Winter Ball

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The last scene to Starstruck and Piper's outfit is attached (: xoxo Go read I Figured Out The Notes and follow me on twitter // winteryvaughns

Follow my co-writer on wattpad // masked4


Dedicated to: PiperReneau

Piper's POV

I literally looked so amazing in my outfit right now. My blue dress was like the one Cinderella wears and my hair was done all fancy like. (picture to the side)

I sat in my living room waiting for Dana to come pick me up. We had our Winter Ball tonight and I was more than ready to go.

The doorbell rang and I called for my sister to answer the door. The reasons I didn't do it myself include

1. I couldn't stand up in this dress

2. I'm the better Reneau and that means I shouldn't have to do chores like answering the door

3. I'm really just being lazy

Dana walks in and sees me sitting on the couch. He smirks and tugs at his suit jacket. No doubt about it, his beauty gives me chest pains.

"My lady." He says helping me up.

"My tramp." I said laughing.

"Ouch." Dana winces slightly. He smiles and we rush outside before my mom comes downstairs with her camera to take pictures of us.

"I'm so excited." I squealed on our way to the ball.

"So am I." Dana said, turning the volume to the stereo up.

When we got to the ball, Dana helped me out and said he had to go to the bathroom. I said hi to a few friends and took some pictures with others. The whole time, Dana never showed up.

"Piper!" One girl in a long pink gown said, catching up with me. I turned around and found her black curls still bouncing on her shoulders.


"I don't mean to intrude but isn't that your boyfriend snogging with Sophie?" She asked me, leading me over to Dana and Sophie.

My mouth drops open. So that's where they've been the whole time?

"Dana!" I yell. He doesn't seem to hear me. I storm off leaving him there. I rip my heels of as I start my walk home. I wasn't waiting for him for anything.

Halfway there, a car pulls up beside me. "Piper, why'd you leave?"

Dana asks me rolling down his window.

"Why were you kissing Sophie?"
I asked him back. He rolled his eyes.

"It's not what it looked like." He says. How many times has a girl heard that like before?

"You're full of it, Dana." I say, before continuing my walk.

"Sophie wait! Sh*t, I mean Peppe--Piper!" I roll my eyes. He thought he was going to get away with it.

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