I'll Be Looking For You

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Sorry for giving you guys your imagines so late!! I get a ton everyday! 😬 Enjoy!!

Dedicated to: @5ergirl_Sydney

I walked into the hotel, all giddy like. This was my first concert ever, and to think its for my favorite band.

I made my to the second floor where the concert was suppose to be held. I looked at the ever winding line at the meet and greet table, and decided to wait out by the bathrooms. When there were about 20 girls left in line, I found a spot all the way on the end.

"I love your hair!" One of the girls said to me. I noticed her as Kelly Phillips. She interviews IM5 sometimes. I smiled at the compliment and said a quick thank you, before approaching the table.

"Hey dear." A lady with thin blonde hair said. She had her hair pulled back by the sunglasses that lay nicely on her head, a few fly-aways here and there.

"Hi." I silently choked out.

"Someone's nervous." The lady beside her said.

"Well, I am talking to the manager and one of the momma's of my favorite band." I said, red rushing to my face.

"Finally! Someone that notices us." Jill says excitedly. She resumes talking to Joni, as I continue down the line. The first person I hit is Cole.

We stared at each other. "Talk to me." He said. I kept staring at him, because frankly this is so unreal. I can't believe they are in front of me.

"I can't." I whispered looking at him intently. "Can I hug you?" I asked, before throwing my hands against my mouth. Cole laughed but leaned in.

"Of course." He said, his voice a little muffled in my hair. I wrapped my arms around his torso. This hug was kind of hard, since there was a table between us. "Your hair smells nice." Cole said after we pulled away.

I giggled but said a little thank you and took a selfie before moving on to Will.

"You look nice. I think I'm gonna like you." Will says. I laugh and throw my arms around him. He hugs me back.. He gives really good hugs.

"You feel nice." I replied. He laughed.

Reaching Gabe and David, the series kept going. Then, I got to Dana. I looked at Dana and he looked at me.

"What's your name?" He asked me, curiosity seemingly in the air.

"Sydney." I said. Why did my throat suddenly feel dry?

"Uh, can I get a picture with you?" I asked.

"Sure, but come around the table." He said. He hadnt asked any other fan to come around the table, so I wondered what was going on now.

I handed my phone to David and he stood in front of us. Dana wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same.

David was ready to take the picture, and as he did, Dana leaned down and kissed my cheek, sending jolts all through my body.

"I'll be looking for you in the crowd." He whispered in my ear.

"O..okay." I said quietly.

"We.. We gotta get going, the stage is calling." Cole said. I nodded and made my way to the room where the concert would be held. I managed to get up front and waited for the guys to get on stage.

Cole started singing the beginning of Disney Dudez 3.

"No chance,
No way,
I won't say it,
No no." I cheered and sang along as loud as I could. I looked up and saw that Dana had been watching me.

He winked when he saw me. When his part came, I felt like he was singing to me. Like we were the only two in the room and none of the band, or other fans were there.

After two more songs, Kelly Phillips came onstage.

"So, the boys here, have decided to pick a girl from the crowd. Each of them gets one pick and that girl will go on a date with that member."

I quickly found my way to my seat, because I knew that I do not get picked for these things.

After calling their girls, Dana came onstage.

"Sydney.." He said looking straight at me. I brushed it off because there could possibly be another Sydney in the audience.... There wasnt. I slowly made way up to the stage and stood beside Dana as he slid his arm around my waist.

"Maybe we'll even have a second date." He whispered to me as fans cheered and congratulated me and the other 4 girls who got chosen. The butterflies came rushing into my stomach again and all I could think of was, Dana Vaughns and I are going on a date.


I looked in my mirror at what I was wearing. Was I too overdressed? Or too underdressed?

All we were doing was going to the movies, but still. I was wearing skinny jeans, a flowy shirt with a floral scarf and some short heel boots.

The doorbell rang and my brother answered it. I grabbed my phone and slid down the banister only to be faced by Dana.

"Hello beautiful." He smiled, locking our arms together.

"I'm not beautiful." I said quietly as we made our way to the car.

"Sure you are." Dana held my hand the entire time to the theaters. We drove in silence as some music played in the background.

"Two tickets to Hercules!" (A/N: I saw this movie and it was amazing! The trailer should be to the side.)
Dana said when we got to the ticket booth.

"You like popcorn?" Dana asked.

"I hate popcorn I answered."

"Are you sure you're human?" Dana joked. I lightly punched his shoulder as we made out way into Theater 12.

During the movie, I rested my head on Dana's shoulders and he had his arm around my shoulders.

"Did you like it?" He asked worried as we left the theaters.

"I loved it." I said.

"I love you." Dana said. I just gave him a goofy smile because I know he was joking. Or at least I thought.

He proved me other wise when he took me to the park and kissed me under the lovers bridge.

Well, lets just say, he got his second date alright.

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