Girl Next Door

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Dedicated to: @TheVampsBabe (Twitter)

**Sooo cliché but totes adorbs! Hope you love the chapter! 💋-xoxo


I saw her first. Her hair was mid-way down her back as she helped her brother unload the moving trucks. I would walk over there now and get my flirt on, but he scares me.

"TONI! WHERES DAD'S TRAV BAG?!" Her brother yelled. He was standing in their garage and she was inside the U-Haul.

Well, now I know her name. She shrugged her shoulders as he closed the garage door.

I sorta feel like a creep. I came outside to get the mail, and now I'm standing by my mailbox, being nosey.

I decided that I should show off for Toni instead of make googly eyes at her.

I went to the back of my house and got on my roof like the last time I did it with Cole.

"Are you sure that's safe?" I heard a voice say. I looked down and Toni was standing in my yard looking up at me. Her hair was in a messy side braid now. How do girls have enough time to do this?

"Yeah. It's only safe because your here of course." I winked at her as she rolled her eyes. I guess she's not one for Pick-Up-Lines.

"Good try, Vaughns" She said to me.

I raised my eyebrows. "How do you know my last name?" She pointed toward something and I leaned over the edge of the roof to see what it was.

I leaned so far out that I fell. But luckily nothing was broken and I fell into the bushes. I heard a few giggles and stifled laughter. Then the laughs came all at once, all from Toni.

"I thought you said it was safe." She replied, still laughing as she helped me up out of the bushes.

"You tricked me by pointing to the mailbox."

"No... I was just showing you how I knew your last name. Your slick though." She laughed.

"So I've been told."

"Loser." She murmured.

"I have a nickname already?! This is the start of a beautiful friendship." I beamed.

"Or maybe a beautiful relationship." I thought I heard Toni say.


"What?" She said playing dumb.

"You do like my pick-up lines." I yelled. She pushed me a little.

"Loser." She said again. Playing hard to get, I see.

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