Namjoon was a mile away from the younger and he saw his crimson red orbs shining like ruby. In that moment he understood that something has triggered Max but what it could be?? Then something clicked his mind and releasing a long exhale, he tried to take the risk with it.

Jin was looking at his mate from the other side of the woods, confused about why his mate is standing still when he knew Max is constantly attacking but he also knew his mate too well and he knew that his mate has found something crucial.

"Jungkook stay away. Max will hurt Luna if you came any near than this. Go run".

Max immediately looked at the direction where Namjoon call out and for a second his red orbs turned into honey gold, Namjoon took that chance to get inside his brain.

"Wake up Taehyung. Shift now!! You have cause enough destruction. Get your shits together and shift", Namjoon said a little disappointed.

Taehyung turned back into his normal form and so did Namjoon and Jin. Jin came whimpering holding his rib cage side. Taehyung felt bad because of what Maxie did but he didn't do it like that in normal circumstances and what happened today wasn't normal-

"Why Maxie was in rage?", Namjoon asked anger evident on his voice.

"Jungkook had sex and Luna called Maxie... accidentally.. maybe-", Taehyung said still shocked himself. "Before I could register to anything, it was too late".

"What are you doing Tae.. seriously.. don't you know by now how much your choices are affecting everyone? You didn't wanted to hurt people you love but you're hurting them terribly. You're torturing everyone both physically and mentally including yourself", Jin said still holding his rib cage.

"W-what do you want me to do Hyung? Don't you know yourself. It will destroy everything. They doesn't even remember anything- on top of it..", Taehyung released a long sigh before adding "Alpha lied to all of them".

"Whatever you're doing has no connection with the choices you made and the shits you're doing. So stop covering them by giving us lame excuses. Get your shits together and don't bring those incident in this because of the things you've done. Look at your surroundings right now and see the damage you caused. Tell me what are we gonna say to Hyung?", Namjoon questioned.

Taehyung lowered his head in guilt before any of them continue their little argument or whatever, they heard loud gasp. It was Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok.

"What had happened here?", Yoongi questioned in serious tone.

All three were in shock, seeing the burned ground, broken tree trunks and uneven ground. Their eyes were double the size and in that moment they realized something really important, "Is he...Is he the son of K-Kim Leeteuk", Jimin whispered.

Myth | TaeKook/VKook - (Werewolf) [COMPLETED] ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora