'But Achilles killed Damian. And my partner. He's a half breed. I don't think it's an unreasonable request.'

'I suppose it isn't.'  Alma stood up. 'You can come with me.'

They walked through the building for what seemed like ages and they seemed to be going deeper and deeper into the ground with all the sets of stairs they were taking. It struck Lisa as some kind of underground bunker, which was almost ironic, because of course Hercules had an underground bunker.

'This is where we keep our most dangerous.' Alma said.

True to what Achilles had said, there were multiple holding cells dotted around the facility. It looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. 

True enough, in one of them, was a small child. It was a young girl, who couldn't have been any older than 4 or 5.

'She doesn't look very harmful.' Adam said softly.

Lisa looked at Achilles. She could see a shift in him and was watching him, she could see he was visibly starting to shake with rage. She wanted to reach out to him and try and stop him, but she could see he was battling with himself to stay in control.

'Just because she looks harmless, doesn't mean she is. That child has abilities it doesn't even know yet. I just need to figure out to use them.'

'So you're keeping a child locked up?' Achilles said through gritted teeth.

Alma turned, surprised to see that he'd even spoke. 'I don't see why this is any of your concern.'

'Oh it's all of my concern.' 

Lisa could see it was already too late. He'd already lost control.

Alma crossed her arms and turned to face Achilles.

'Security for Hire an Incubus? I thought you stop working there years ago Achilles?'

His illusion, and Lisa's were slowly melting away. Adam grabbed Lisa by the shoulders.

'Lisa we need to get out of here. I can teleport us out.'

'No!' Lisa pulled away. 'I can't leave him here. Not again.'

'Lisa, always a pleasure.' Alma turned her attention away from Achilles. This was a mistake. Seconds later, Achilles had tackled her across the floor.

'Get the other two!' Alma yelled. 

Security guards, that seemingly appeared from nowhere, pointed guns at them.

'Don't even think about moving.'

Adam took a long look at Lisa as they circled them. 'I'm sorry Lisa.'

He disappeared.

Lisa was starting to panic. She could barely see Achilles, through the swarm of people that were now crowding around him. She could make out him throwing Alma into the cell where his daughter was. He had her by the throat and she was struggling to breathe.

'Open it.' He growled.

One of the guards fired at him. Lisa watched a bullet penetrate his shoulder and he turned his head over his shoulder and Lisa didn't recognize the face that was grinning maniacally. It was nothing short of demonic. His eyes were almost completely devoid of anything other than rage and his face was contorted in a way she'd never seen.

'Not a chance.'

Lisa watched what happened next as if it was almost in slow motion. Alma reached behind her back and grabbed something. Achilles didn't have time to react but Lisa heard a choked gasp and he released Alma. There was something sticking out of his chest.

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