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The annoying thing about having David in the apartment was that he literally said nothing. He wasn't even like a person. It was like Lisa had a man shaped lamp beside her door. That followed her to work. Or wherever else she wanted to go. If she ever saw Achilles again she was going to kill him for being so goddamn infamous.

Lisa couldn't even go over to Alison's because she didn't want to have him shadowing her constantly. She would have to call her in secret or something because this was getting annoying.

When she was definitely sure he was out of earshot one evening, she took her mobile phone and rang Alison.

'Hey Ali, are you busy this weekend?'

'Not really, I was just planning on heading out with Thom Saturday night, do you wanna come?'

Lisa paused for a second.  Who was Thom?

'Yeah sure I'd like that, pick me up at nine?'

'Yeah, sure!' Alison had said cheerily.

At least now she had something to look forward to at the end of the week.

Work passed the same as it normally did, but Lisa couldn't help but felt strange every time she stood at the counter. Like there was some energy or something left over. She was so afraid that someone was going to come in and look her in the eye like I know what you did here. But it never happened. She tried not to think about Achilles. He was probably off murdering more people who wanted to protect her.

Walking home from work it wasn't so cold. It was getting brighter now that winter was over and Lisa was thankful for each little bit of brightness the day gained with each passing day. Passing one of the small shops beside the bookshops, she stopped.

It was like a religious shop of some kind. It was only as she stood outside it a thought crossed her mind.

I should get a cross. She had remembered what Damian had said. It couldn't hurt, right?

The store was even more musty than the bookshop Lisa worked at. It was even more cramped as well. Lisa tread carefully, trying not to knock anything as she walked up to the cashier, who was an elderly woman.

'How can I help you?' She asked softly, a small smile on her face.

'I'd like to buy a blessed cross, please.' Lisa said awkwardly.

'Oh, I have plenty of those' the woman said, and lowering her voice, as if what she was going to say next was something incriminating she whispered; 'You would be surprised how many people want extra protection with all the supernaturals walking around these days.'

'Oh, this isn't for protection.' Lisa laughed. Just to kill an incubus.

'I'm just quite religious.' She lied through her teeth to the woman.

'Oh...Well..Here you go anyway.' She said, still trying to be polite.

Lisa left the shop hastily.

On Saturday, Lisa finally found out who Thom was.

Thom was an incubus. He stood at the door with Alison hanging on to him like a new bag. He was incredibly tall and blond and if Lisa wasn't so currently frustrated at one man in particular, she probably would have found him undeniably attractive. David didn't stop her going out without him since there was Thom with them. Which was ironic

'So, what do you think of Thom?' Alison said to Lisa while she was putting things in her bag in Lisa's room.

'He seems nice...' Lisa said absent minded, while fishing about in her handbag for her purse.

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