Chapter 37: The Letter

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Everyone is clearly just as excited as we are. All of them are smiling uncontrollably. Logan and Brysen sure brought a lot of happiness into our lives.

"Let me hold one," Mrs. Evans says. Tyler smiles and hands her Brysen. She looks down at him and gives him a kiss. She looks at Tyler, "I can't believe I'm a grandmother of twins!"

I giggle at her reaction. My mom comes next to me and tell me if she could carry Logan. I smile and give him to her. For the next 20 minutes they are handing the babies off. All of them want to hold both of them at least once. This babies haven't even been here for 2 hours and they are already getting so much love.

There is a light knock in the door and then it swings open. A nurse comes in and looks at everyone in the room. "I'm sorry, I need to ask all of you to leave the room, there is to many people in here," she says politely. I eventually knew that was going to happen.

Ryan hands me one of the babies and Hayli hands the other to Tyler. I honestly can't tell the twins apart right now. They are identical, so yeah. They say quick goodbye and everyone steps outside.

The nurse comes towards the bed and smiles at me, "I think the babies are starting to get hungry, so you should feed them," she say looking down at the baby I'm holding, "I'll show you how, though."

I smile at her and nod. Good thing she is going to show me because I have no fucking idea how to do this. Nursing two babies at the same time sounds really hard. I wasn't really going to breastfeed but it seems like in hospitals they preferred you to breastfeed.

She helps me undo my rope and she tells me to sit up. My bottom half does hurt a bit, since I had a C-section but it's an okay pain. She places two pillows on each side of me and she positions one baby on my right side.

"Um, sir, can you place the other baby on the other side?" She asks Tyler. Tyler nods and places the baby on my left side.

"Okay so now you are just going to get them to latch on, I will check on you in a few minutes," she tells me and leaves the room.

I nod and try to do that. Again I tried, but somehow they were being stubborn and wouldn't latch on.

"They are about 2 hours old and they are already stubborn like you," Tyler commented. I glared at him. I am not stubborn I'm just a strong minded person.

After another couple of minutes they finally latched on and started eating. It feel super strange. I also I'm starting to feel self-conscious about myself because Tyler was staring at my breast. Yeah I know we obviously had sex, but he has never seen me completely naked.

"Can you please stop staring?" I finally ask.

He nods, "I'm sorry, it's just incredible that I am a dad," he says with a cheeky smile. I smile at him and look down at Logan and Brysen. Tyler stands up and gives me a peck on the cheek, "Thank you."

I look at him confuse, "For what?"

"For giving me your love and two beautiful kids," he leans down and kisses me. As I pull away I glance down at the boys and notice both of their eyes are open.

Both of them have these big green eyes, surrounded by thick eyelashes. "They have green eyes," I tell Tyler.

"They have your gorgeous eyes," he says glancing down at them. He smiles at them, "Hey buddies, I'm your daddy" he says in a baby voice. That is the cutest thing that has ever come out of Tyler's mouth. He wasn't so bad now, was he.


Everyone was starting to go home now. They were all coming in to say a goodbye. They were all still pretty excited about the babies though and they all promised to come back tomorrow for another visit.

The last one in the room was my mom. She gave me a kiss on the temple, "Goodnight and good luck," she said with a smile. She took something out form her purse and handed it to me, "Sadly dad couldn't be here for this happy event, but he wrote this letter before he passed away."

My dad wrote a letter. I at least now have something of him. He wrote this before he passed away, so this was a last minute thing.

"Why didn't you give it to me earlier?" I asked as I took it from her.

"He said to give it to you when you had your first child, so here it is," she tells me, "I need to go now, bye Tyler." She waves at Tyler and leaves the door.

I look at the card. I'm trying to decide to open it now or later. Who gives a fuck, I'm going to read it right now. I tear the letter open and unfold the paper inside:

Dear Emma,

You are now a mother! I'm so sorry I couldn't be there with you for this special moment. I wished that I could be there with you for your whole life, but life doesn't work that way. I told your mother to give you this letter when you had your first child because you will understand this much better.
All a parent wants for their child is the best. You don't want anything to hurt them and you will do anything to keep them safe and give them the best. This is exactly how I feel about you and James. James already has his own family and completely understands this. You are new to parenthood but you will soon understand this.
One thing that I know has always been in the back of your mind is why did I have to get married? As I told you before, I only want what is best for you. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and this was another of them. Blake and I have always been good friends and he also has a very successful business. When your mother was pregnant with you, we both thought marrying you to his son, Tyler, was a great idea. This way I had already set out a great future for you and Blake was now sure he will have heir for his company, that being Tyler's and yours kids. We made a deal and I had to follow through it. It seem like a great idea at first but them Tyler started growing up. As he grew up he started becoming very rebellious. But I had to follow through the deal.
I truly wish you could forgive me for this. I will always love you Emma. I messed up big time and I am so sorry. I had forced you to marry someone you don't like and I have also forced you to have kids.
Always remember that I love you with all my heart. That I will die for you because you are my little girl. A father's duty is to protect their little girl and I have failed, I'm sorry.

With all my love,
Your dad

Tears were spilling out of my eyes by the end of the letter. I wish I had my dad with me right now. To tell him he was the best father ever. That he shouldn't be apologizing because this was somehow the best and worst thing in my life. That because of this I had fallen in love with a wonderful guy, who loves me right back. This mistake also gave me two beautiful children.

All of this was so unplanned, but yet so planned. I had unexpectedly fallen in love, when I swore I would never fall for the cocky, rude guy I was going to spend my whole life with. Who's stupid smirk made me feel like killing him and that always seem to be on his lips. But at the end he had me falling for him, hard. The best part about it was that he caught me and it was the best feeling in the world.

We both gave in to the unplanned love.

The end!

This was the last chapter, but I am still going to post an epilogue. I have been thinking about a sequel, but I am not sure. Tell me what you think.

I have (almost) finished my first book! That's so exciting to say!

Stay tune for the epilogue, too!

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