Chapter 23: He's Back

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Apparently everyone was surprise when they saw my hair. They had a lot of pity to give to my hair. Everyone was all like, "Your hair was so pretty the way it was." They did though tell me I look good like this. People can be so annoying when you do something new to yourself.

I'm the talk of my lunch table right now. I'm not really involved in the talk just listening to their comments. I feel a light tap on my shoulders. I turn around and Jacob is smiling down at me.

I smile, "Hey Jacob."

"Hey Emma, Happy Birthday," he says excited.

"Thanks, so what up?" I ask.

Jacob scratches the back of his neck, "Well I was just wondering if you still wanted to go on a date."

The date, I totally forgot about the date. With everything that has been going on in my life in the moment it completely slipped my mind. Since I'm trying to get over my dad I think this should surely help.

I smile up at him, "Yeah, would Friday work for you?"

He smiles, "Yeah, totally I will call you to get plan everything."

"Okay," just then the bells

ring, "Well I have to go to French class."

"Umm, can I walk you there? It's in the way to my class?" He offers.

I nod, "Yeah, okay." He smiles and gestures in front of him. I take that as a cue to start walking. I start to walk and he walks beside me.

When we arrive to the classroom Jacob tells me one more time he would call me later. I nod and go to hug him. Just as I hug him Tyler walks by me and gives me a huge glare. He doesn't say anything, though.

I say bye to him and walk into class. Tyler is already sitting down. He glares at me until I sit down. What the fuck is his problem? Why is he acting like this?

Tyler's P.O.V.

When I walked into French class today I saw Emma hugging some guy. When I saw them something in my gut twisted. She is mine she shouldn't be hugging no other guy but me. She is my wife. I also noticed something different, her hair. Her hair was long this morning now it's up to her shoulders. She looks hot, I have a hot wife.

I didn't say anything to her, though. Even though I wanted to kick that guy's ass. I don't want her to hate me more than she already does. So I just walked past them and took my seat. My eyes never left the door until she came in.

She took her seat next to me. I don't want her to think I am interested in what she is doing with that guy, so I look away. I start to mess around with some of the "cool guys."

I hear someone clear their throat. I look up and see Mrs. Johnson standing there, "Class we have a new student today," She looks at everyone, "Luke James."

I guy with dirty blonde hair and dark eyes walks into the classroom. He had a huge smirk in his face. It looked liked he was smirking at someone in particular. I looked at him and he smirked at me then looked at Emma.

I looked at Emma and she was extremely pale. She was staring back at him. I looked back at some of my friends and they were already making fun of him. The guy really did look like a creep.

I felt some tugging in my arms. I looked in the direction in which it came. Emma's hand was around my elbow. She tugged it once more, "T- Tyler I don't feel g-good," She spoke softly. She was still looking at the Luke guy.

I put my whole attention tours her. She didn't look good either. I put one of my hands around her palm, "What's wro-" before I could finish she fainted.

I quickly reacted and caught her. I brought her up to my lap to get a better grip on her. What the hell is wrong with her? She looked fine when she came into the classroom. I am seriously scare right now. Since we are married now I am responsible for her.

Mrs. Johnson is quickly by my side. Everyone attention is now on us. Mrs. Johnson is looking at Emma, "Someone take her to the nurses office," she says.

I nod, "I'll take her."

I put one hand under her back and the other under her legs. I'm about to pick her up when I remember she is wearing a dress. I don't want anyone seeing her bottom. I readjust my hand that's under her legs so I'm grabbing the end of the skirt. I finally pick her up and start to walk tours the nurses.

Good thing she isn't heavy. She is actually lighter than some other objects I've carried. I'm able to run with her. Every class I pass by that has the door open stares at me.

I finally reach the nurses office. She quickly come up to me, "Set her down in the bed," I do as I'm told, "Okay I will handle it from here, you can go back to class."

I'm not leaving until I know what's wrong with her, "No, I'm not leaving," I protest.

She looks at me seriously, "We have to check her, so leave."

"No she's my wife," I blurt out. That just came out, I did not expect to say that.

She looks at me confuse, "You two are married?"

I sigh, "Yeah we've been married for one month," I inform her.

She sighs too, "Okay, you can stay." I nod and take a seat. She looks at her and then back at me, "Do you have an idea why she might have fainted?"

I nod my head no, "No, we were in class and she told me she didn't feel good and then she fainted."

"Okay," she walks over to a cabinet and pulls a bottle out. She grabs a cotton ball and pours some of the liquid in it. She walks tour me, "Go over to her and try to wake her up with this," she gives me the wet cotton ball.

"Okay," I take the cotton ball from her hand.

"I will be back in a minute," she tells me before she leaves the room.

I walk over to Emma. I sit in the corner of her bed and start to put the cotton ball near her nose. She smells it a couple of time before her eyes swing open.

She looks around confuse. She sits up, "Where the hell I'm I?"

"Your in the nurses office," I inform her. She gives me a confuse look. "Well you kinda fainted," just then the nurse walks in.

She looks at Emma and smiles, "Good your up, now I need to talk to both of you," she looks at both of us seriously. We both give her confuse looks. She sighs, "Might there be a possibility that Emma is pregnant."


Hey!! I'm so sorry I didn't post on Tuesday. I've been super busy lately. I have things to do all day. I will also sadly be starting school again soon, so that will keep me busy, too. That also means I will have less time to update. I will try to update at least once a week!

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