Chapter 17: Let's Play a Game

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I wake up and feel warmth radiating throughout my body. I feel so warm and cozy. I don't even want to move a finger, but I know I have to get up to enjoy the beautiful place we are right now. I move my feet to get up when I feel something pulling me down.

Well that's strange I don't remember strapping my self down last night.

I pull the blanket over me and find a hand around my waist. I follow the hand to where it's owner was. Tyler is sound asleep next to me. He must've went to bed after I fell asleep.

I once again try to get up but the same grip holds me in place. "Morning bitch," I hear Tyler's sleepy voice say behind me.

I look at him and then at his hand, "Do you mind?"

He looks at his hand and then up at me. A smirk appears on his face, "No not at all"

I roll my eyes, "Well I do," I tell him annoyed. I quickly get up and go straight to the bathroom. Since I an in the Bahamas I am going straight to the water slides. I love water slides they give you such a rush.

I wash my face and teeth quickly and then go outside to grab my bikini. It's a faded sky blue color that has pink flower on it. The top is strapless. I quickly put it on and put my hair in a ponytail.

I grab a towel and go outside to grab some sandals. To my surprise Tyler wasn't in bed. However he walks in a few seconds later.

He looks me from head to toe, "Damn my wife is hot!," he yells out.

I have always hated when guys called me 'hot', I am not burning up. I roll my eyes and start walking out the room. As I was passing Tyler he slaps my ass.

I stopped and glared at him. He gave me a smirk, "Where are you going? The pool," he asked me.

There is no way I am telling him where I'm going. I don't want him to ruin my whole day. I had made some plans and he wasn't in them. Since I wasn't planning on telling him I just walked away.

I went outside and I could either take the elevator or stairs. I was in the last floor and the stairs might take forever, so even though it scared me I went into the elevator.

Right as I was about to enter the elevator I hear, "Hey bitch," yelled at me. No one else calls me bitch, but Tyler. He is wearing dark blue and white shorts with a simple white tank top.

I turn around and see him running tours me, "Stop calling me bitch," I snap at him. I am so tired of him.

He stops for a second and start to chuckle, "No you are a bitch and slut."

I've had it with him!

"Do you want to see a real bitch? I would show you how big of a bitch I can be," I yell at him. If he says I'm a bitch, I'll show him a bitch.

"Whatever," he says and walks past me. He enter the elevator and I angrily walk over to the elevator.

I could just wait for the other one but I don't want to go on it alone. The door slowly closes and I am no longer facing Tyler. The feeling of anxiety takes over my body and all I can do is breath.

I feel the elevator coming to a stop. The door opens and I get out. I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back.

"What the fuck do you want know?" I loudly whisper to Tyler.

"Remember the rules!" Tyler says.

"Whatever, I can do whatever I want," I snap back at him. I pull my wrist and start to walk outside.

Now that I am no longer with Tyler I can go have some fun. Lets see what can I do first. I'm going to go over to the pool for a while.

I have been in the pool for about an hour. All I've done is swimming, I think I should go tan down a bit. As I get out and start to walk I guy stands in front of me.

I look up at him and he smiles down at me. "Hey," he says.

He looks like one of those surfer guys. He is tan and has dirty blonde hair. His eyes are light green and he honestly is very good looking.

"Hi," I say back.

"Are you here alone?" he asks me.

"Um, yeah"

He raised his eyebrow, "Really you are too pretty to be here all alone," he says with a smile.

Well I'm in the pool alone but I came to the Bahamas with my 'wonderful husband'.

I feel my cheeks heat up, "Well thanks," I say returning the smile I he had giving me a few seconds ago.

"I'm Zachery, but everyone calls me Zac," he says extending his arms.

I take his hand with mine, "I'm Emma."

He smiles, "Well Emma there's a party tonight would you like to come."

A party? I'm up for a party. It's been ages since i've been to a party. "Yeah sure," I tell him.

I suddenly feel arms wrap around my waist. Zac smiles also disappears. I look behind me and see no one other than Tyler.

He smiles down at me, "Hey babe."

He did not just say that. He is such a hypocrite. "What do you want Tyler," I snap at him.

"I want to be with my girlfriend, of course," he says and then kisses my cheek.

I feel like killing Tyler, he is just so fucking annoying. "I am not your girlfriend," I tell him.

"Who's that," he says pointing at Zac. I look at Zac who is standing there awkwardly.

"I'm Zac," he says extending his arm.

Tyler looked at it for a second and then shook. "I'm Tyler," he says, "What do you want with Emma?"

Couldn't Tyler be any more rude! He is acting like a possessive husband. Which is weird because his Tyler.

"Um, nothing," Zac says.

"Well then st-" Tyler starts off but I cut him up.

"Tyler just leave, you are no one to tell me who and who I can't talk to, its my business," I snap at him.

Tyler gives me a big glare, "Well guess what Emma, it is my business and we are leaving right now," he says and grabs my wrist.

I pull my wrist out of his wrist, "Do you have a phone Zac?," I ask.

He nods and pulls out his IPhone and hands me it. I grab it and put my phone number in it.

"Text me," I tell him when I hand him back his phone. He nods in agreement and leaves.

Tyler grabs my wrist again and pulls me with him. He start to walk and I stop. Tyler glares at me, "Walk," he orders.

I hate you, I think.

"No," I snap at him. I try to pull my wrist out of his grip but it only becomes tighter.

"I said walk we are leaving now," he says.

I don't think he was going to let go of me, I was just wasting my energy. It wasn't worth it.

"Fine let me just go get my stuff," I tell him.

He lets go of me and I walk over to where my stuff was. I picked up my phone and towel. I looked back at Tyler and he was looking right back at me. He was a good 6 feet away from me.

Should I do it or not. He is annoying and a jerk. I want to spend this vacation alone and I want to have fun. He probably would catch me. Who cares, I'll YOLO it.

I grab my stuff firmly and start to run the other way. I soon hear footsteps behind me. I quickly glance behind me and see an angry looking Tyler running behind me.


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