Chapter 19: Partying!

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I'm going to party hard tonight. To forget everything that just happen. I'm going to forget everything that has gone wrong in my life.

Yea! Count me in!- I answer him.

I run into the closet where all my clothes are. A few seconds later I hear my phone vibrate again. I look at it and see it's another text from Zac.

Awesome! Where should I pick u up?- Zac

Um pick me down in the lobby- I answer him

Sure I will see you there at 8 -Zac

I look at the clock and see that it is 7:28. I have about half an hour to get ready, so I better hurry.

I refocused my attention to my wardrobe. I start to look through dresses. None of the dresses are exactly for partying. I keep looking through my closet and I find a black dress. I think this would be just fine.

I put the dress on and I look in the mirror. The dress is tight but compliments my body. I take out my hair curler and curl my hair a bit. I apply some dark make up but it isn't heavy. I finish off by finding some matching black heels.

I look at the time, 7:57. It took me exactly twenty-nine minutes to get ready. I am so proud of myself, that is a new record. I better start to head down, though. I look at the door and let out a big sigh.

I hope Tyler is asleep, or left. I am very scare of him. I learned that what he says his going to do he does it. For example, what he did to me today.

I take a deep breath and open the door. I start to walk as fast as possible to the front door. I get my hand on the handle. I open it and just as I think Tyler hadn't see me I hear a deep voice behind me.

"Where the fuck do you think your going?" he says angrily.


I look back at him and see he looks really piss. He is just wearing shorts and is standing up straight. His jaw is clench tightly.

I want to go to the party really bad and I made up my mind that Tyler wasn't going to stop me. I look outside and see the elevator about to open. I am going to take a leap of faith and hope he doesn't catch me before I reach it. I sprint tour the elevator as fast as I can run on heels. I hear Tyler curse.

I reach the elevator, I press the 1st floor button. Just as the elevator door closes Tyler reaches it. I just need to leave the hotel as soon as possible. The elevator starts to move and I feel my blood running cold.

Breath Emma breath, I think.I am all alone and that makes it even worse.

After what felt like hours the elevator stops and the door opens. I walk out and I easily spot Zac. He smiles when he sees me. I smile back and walk tours him.

"Hey Emma, you look pretty," He says smiling.

I feel myself blush. I smile at him, "Thanks, your not bad yourself."

He grabs the back of his neck, "Are you ready to go?" he asks.I nod in response and we both start to walk.

The party is in a club. It is packed with people and the smell of alcohol is everywhere.

Zac taps me on the shoulder, "There are some of my friends," he points out. He leads me over to them. All of them are really cool. The night goes by in a blur.

The next thing I know I am in front of my room door. I open the door and as soon as I step in Tyler is in my face.

"You fucken slut you went out with Zac," He yells at me. I really don't feel like dealing with him right now. I'm exhausted, all I want right now is to go to bed.

"Yeah whatever, goodnight," I answer him. I walk straight to the room and change into my pajamas. I take all the makeup off and go straight to bed. As soon as I lay down in bed I fell asleep.

I wake up to someone shaking me and calling my name. I groan and swing my arms. I feel something solid hit my palm.

"Fuck," I hear someone yell. I know exactly who it is. I bite my lip to hold in a laugh. I let out a small giggle and look back at him.

He gives me a deadly glare, "Bitch!"

I glare back at him, "Asshole! What do you even want?," I ask him annoyingly.

Tyler really knows how to get in my nerves.

"We have to head back to L.A. so start packing!," he yells at me.

Dissapointment spreads all over my face. We've been here like two days, I thought we were suppose to stay for four days.

"What, Why!?," I yell back at him.

He looked back at me. His eyes softer than before. He looks down and I instantly know something is up. Something happen and its not good either. I just have this feeling.

"What happen?," I ask him, worried.

He looks up at me. He scratches the back of his neck, "Well, um, your dad... he, umm," he started of but didn't finish.

My dad! Something happened to my dad. My eyes started to fill up with tears.

"What happen to my dad!," I yell at him.

He takes a deep sigh, "He got in a car accident," he finally spits out.

Tears start to fall from my face instantly. Worryness start to take over my body at first but soon panick start to take over. I jump out of bed and start to look for my phone. As soon as I find it I call my mom.

I am impatiently waiting for her to pick up. Tears are streaming down my face. The phone rings a couple of more time and I hear something come through the line, "Hello."

"Mom, what happen?" I sob.

"Emma, sweetheart, I'll tell you everything once your here," She answers me. Her voice sounds so worn out and tired.

"Ok, fine bye," I tell her and hang up.

I set the phone down on a counter. I walk over to the bed and sit down. I put my head in my hands and let out a long breath.I soon get up and walk over to my closet. I get out the suitcases and start to pack as fast as I can.

So much for The Bahamas, right? Everything has gone terribly wrong since I got here. Tyler acting like a bigger asshole and having sex with him. He also trying to stop me from doing something fun or meeting any cute ass boys.

"When are we leaving?," I ask Tyler.

He has been quite all this time, packing all of his stuff. He looks up at me, "In three hours, so hurry up," He informs me.I nod approvingly and continue packing.

I am done packing about twenty minutes later. After everything is n place I go into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and change into my clothes. I brush my teeth and put on some mascara.

I go outside and Tyler is no longer packing or in the room. All the suitcases are not in the room either. I go outside and Tyler is talking to the guy that helped me get in here when Tyler locked me out.

Tyler turns around a few seconds later, "Are you ready to go?," he asks. I don't think I will be able to talk because I'm still a crying, so I simply nod a yes.

"Ok let's go there waiting for us," he responds. He motion tour the door and I walk out, him following me.

Once we get to the airport Tyler checks us in and we walk to our gate. We now are in the 6 hour flight back to L.A.

My body is still processing the news Tyler told me this morning. I don't know what I would do with out my dad. My dad is the only person who really is a parent to me. He tries to make thing work and make me happy. His my also is my dad, you only get one dad for the rest of your life.


Hey!  I'm sorry I didn't upload all last week! I was sick all last week and every time I looked at the computer screen I got a massive headache. Anyways, comment and vote!!!

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