Chapter 25: From Tyler to Emma

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Everything about Tyler has been a surprise to me. All day his behavior has been strange. He apologize to me a couple minutes ago and he told me he wanted our marriage to actually work. My mind told me not to trust him but my heart told me he was serious. I think everyone deserve a second chance in life, so I forgave him.

We are driving to a hair salon right now. Since Tyler told me I could choose one thing to change about him, so I chose his hair. He also told me I could choose how he would do his hair, too. I am so excited, I'm jumping up and down in the inside.

He stops the car. I examine where we are. We are in the same hair salon that I got my hair cut this morning. He got out and opened the door for me. I get out, we are about to enter when I realize I forgot my phone.

"Um, I forgot my phone," I tell him and he nods, "I will be right back."

"Okay I will wait inside," he tells me.

I run back to the car. I start to look for my phone. Once I find it I run back to the door. I'm about to open it when I see the rude girl that talked to me this morning shamelessly flirty with Tyler.

She has the flirties smile on her face. She is twirling her hair around her finger weirdly. That little bitch! Guess what hun? Tyler is mine.

Tyler is mine? I'm I seriously thinking that. I just sounded so possessive over him.

I open the door and put on a smile. I walk over to Tyler and do what I thought I would never do. I wrap an arm around his, "Hey Tyler, are you all ready?" I tell him. I smirk at the girl who's smile already faded. I'm sure she remembers me from this morning.

Tyler looks at me with a grin, "Yeah, Melissa told me they would be able to cut my hair in a couple of minutes."

Melissa looks at Tyler, "Who is she?" She points at me.

"That's my wife, Emma," he says calmly.

She looks at me with a piss off face, "You? married to him," she smirks, "No way! How much did you pay him to do this? Your real husband is probably as ugly as you."

Ugh, she did not just say that! Why on earth would I hire someone to be my husband just to show him off to her? I got much better things to do, not like her.

"Excuse me?" I say to her.

Tyler scoffs, "Um, she didn't pay me to do anything, she actually is my wife," he looks at her angrily, "And please you should totally look at yourself first before telling her that she is ugly." With that he walked off pulling me with him.

Tyler just defended me. Tyler surprises me more and more today. He sits down and I sit down too. He looks at Melissa, who was still looking at us.

"How does she know your married?" He asked me. He looks at Melissa once more, "Emma sit in my lap."

I look at him confuse, "Why?" What I'm I going to do in his lap?

"Because we are going to do our best acting so she knows we are really married," he simply states, "You need to sit on my lap, though."

Should I do it or not? If I don't do it the "little bitch" A.K.A. Melissa is always going to bother me about it everyone I come in. I think a minute of acting can't hurt anyone.

"Fine," I say. I get up and sit on his lap. I start to laugh, "This feels weird."

Tyler smiles revealing both of his dimples. This boy has all the qualities. Amazing eyes, good hair, dimples, a nice singing voice, everything I tell you.

His hand goes up to my hair, "Why did you cut it?"

"I wanted to change everything about me, now that I'm sixteen," I inform him.

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