Chapter 16: The Bahamas

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Tyler had no problem getting down his luggage. He simply picked it up and brought it downstairs. Me, on the other hand, I'm having trouble grabbing one suitcase. I need to get both of them downstairs quick.

I start to roll them down the hall but then another obstacle comes, the stairs. I look down at them.

Blake looks at me and gives out a big sigh, "Tyler come help your wife with her stuff." He yells at Tyler as soon as he walks into the room.

Tyler groans but doesn't object. He climbs up the stairs, "Where is the other suitcase?," he asks me.

"In the room."

He start to walk tours the room and I follow behind. I grab the remaining bag while Tyler picks up the suitcase. He starts to walk outside and I follow him. He makes a quick stop on top of the stairs to pick up the suitcase I left there earlier.

He gets everything in the back of the car and everyone gets in. Blake start to drive tour the airport. During the ride they explain everything about this so called honeymoon. We will be there for four days and we will be staying in Atlantis. They said we could do anything we pleased while we are there, but of course they said we still need to follow the rules. I don't think neither of us would be doing that. It's like a vacation, who follows rules in vacation?

Once we get to the airport we say goodbye to our parents and we check-in. We walked to our terminal and waited until it was time to board the plane. Since Tyler's parents were the one that bought us the tickets we were in first class. The flight was going to be almost 6 hours.

I took this time to sleep. I had gotten about 4 hours of sleep. When I woke up we were going to land in 10 minutes. I guess Tyler took this time to sleep, too. He still is asleep when the pilot announces that we are about to land. I might need to wake him up.

I slowly start to shake him and calling out his name. He doesn't even flinch. I shake him a little harder but he still isn't up. He must be dead. After trying to wake him up from about five minutes he slowly starts to come to his senses.

"What?" he ask me. He sounds sleepy and annoyed.

"We're about to land so wake up," I tell him.

He looks around as if he didn't remember where we were.  A couple of seconds later he put his hands in his face. He yawns, "Okay."

We land some minutes later and we get out of the plane. We grab our luggage and walk outside. Our parents told us some guys would be waiting for us to take us to the hotel.

I can't believe I'm in the Bahamas. This is so exciting, I am going to do every possible fun thing here. I mean I might as well enjoy it.

Tyler on the other hand doesn't look to give a fuck. He probably been here a million times. I wouldn't find it surprising if he actually been here a million times. His parents are that rich.

We find two men who are holding up a sign that says "Mr. and Mrs. Evans." Since I am now married I am now legally Emma Evans. I hate it! Everyone would always see me as Mrs. Evans, Tyler's wife, from now on.

We quickly walk over to them and one of them asks us our name. Tyler answer them and they grab our luggage. Both of us climb in the car while they put the luggage in the back.

The drive was very silent. No one made eye contact, so I just looked out the window. There is a three hour difference from Los Angeles, so it was 11 P.M. here.

After what seemed like an eternity we finally arrived to the hotel. Tyler and I made our way to the check in place.

"Um, excuse me," Tyler told the man sitting behind the counter.

The middle age man looked up, "Yes how may I help you?"

"I made reservations here."

The man nodded, "Okay what is the name?"

"Tyler Evans"

The man typed what I assume was Tyler's name. He nodded at something in the screen, "Mr. and Mrs. Evans, right? Here is your card, it's all the way to the top floor." He handed Tyler the card and told some men to help is with our luggage.

Tyler took the card and left. Since my husband has no manner what so ever I thanked the man and hurried next to Tyler.

We got in the elevator and Tyler push the button to our floor. The doors close and I turn my face.

When I was around 8 years old my brother and I got stuck in an elevator. Ever since them I have been terrified of them. Every time a step on to one I get the feeling I got when I was 8 years old. The feeling of my blood running cold and butterflies forming in my stomach.

I feel a hand around my shoulder and I feel myself being turn. "What the fuck is wrong with you?," Tyler asks confuse.I don't feel able to talk so I just nod my head no.

Breath, Emma, breath, I think.

Tyler groan, "Something got to be wrong, you are pale."

I hear a bell ring and the door of the elevator door flies open. I run out of the elevator and take a deep breath. Tyler gets out and looks at me very confuse.

"Can you stop looking at me like that," I blurt out.

He chuckles and start to move tour a door. He opens it and I am about to go in when he closes the door right in my face. I reach for the handle, it lock.

I scoff and knock on the door, "Tyler open the fucking door." I hear no answer so I keep knocking.

I see that the men that took our luggage coming tour me. I go up to them, "Hey do you happen to have the card to get in that room?"  ask them, pointing tour the door

"Yeah, you need help getting in?" one of the men ask. He give me a big smile. He doesn't look so much older than me. He is very good looking.

"Yeah, please," I tell him sweetly.

He goes up to the door and puts a card in. The door clicks and opens. I see Tyler come to the door confuse. I give him a fake smile and walk in.

The suit is like a whole house. It has a everything a house would. It's huge, but I find that it only has one room.

After a few minutes the two men leave. I grab my suitcases and got out my sleepwear. I go into the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. I go straight my bed as soon as I am done. I fall asleep almost as soon as I touch the bed.

The bed feel so soft. The silk material from the sheets feels incredible trough out my body.

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