Chapter 13: The Wedding: Part 2

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When Tyler finally pulled away everyone started making their way outside. When I was sure no one was looking I glared at Tyler. Tyler smirked at me He knew exactly what I meant by the glare. Why did you kiss me like that.

He grabbed my hand and led me outside with everyone. People started coming up to congratulate us both.

Yeah congratulate me for my doom, I think.

My brother came up to us and gave Tyler a stern look, "You better take care of her or else you are going to have to deal with me."

Tyler gave him a big smile, "I am, don't worry." James gave him another smiled. He gave a quick hug and kiss and left. Everyone started to leave, I guess they are going to the reception. Tyler and I got in the limo that had brought me here. The limo driver started driving once we were all settle in.

We can't go to the reception right away. Diana had booked us a photo shoot right after. All of the wedding is also being recorded. The bridesmaids and groomsmen all go with us. Our parent also come along. We arrive at a garden. It has flowers all over, it's just gorgeous. We take pictures with everyone. Tyler and I take pictures alone, I think those were the worse. We had to hug and touch each other.

About half an hour later we were all done and we finally could leave. We got into the limo and for a while everything was quite.

"Hey, you liked our little kiss," Tyler says smirking. Breaking the silence in the car.

I glare at him, "No, what the fuck was that."

His smirk suddenly become bigger, "Leave the fuck for tonight."

I look at him in disgust, "There is n way on earth that I am going to let you touch me!" I tell him.

He gives a small fake laugh, "But sweetheart that is exactly what newly-weds do, so don't think you aren't getting this tonight," he starts to point towards himself.

Great, can't wait till tonight, note the sarcasm. I am actually scare because I know Tyler is capable of doing what he promises. We soon reach the reception and we get out. The only people who are outside are the bridesmaids and the groomsmen.

We go over to them and and a guy come over to all of us, "Okay I am going to go in there and start to call everyone by a pair, a guy and girl," he tells all of us. Everyone nods in agreement. He goes back inside and We found love by Rihanna starts to play. He starts to call everyone in.

Ashlee goes in with a guy called, Logan. Right after them the maid of honor and the best man, Hayli and Ryan, go in. We are the last one there.

"Now please welcome, the reason we are here," I hear the guy from inside say, "Mr. and Mrs. Evans."

Tyler takes my hand, "Ready to get the acting started my bitch," he says smirking. I roll my eyes at him. Even though we are married, he still is mean to me. I don't think he would ever stop.

We walk towards the door and as soon as we walk through it everyone starts to clap and cheer. I put on a big smile.The whole place is packed. There could easily be over 500 people here.

We are the perfect couple, I think. Everyone here, with the exception of our friends and parents, think that we married out of love. Something that I would never feel for Tyler.

We go over to a table were all the bridesmaids and groomsmen are sited as well. We sit in the center. After a bit Diana comes over to us.

"The first dance is going to happen in a bit, so act in love," she whispers to both of us. We both nod in agreement.

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