Chapter 18: Mine

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I feel like I am running for my life. My life may end if Tyler catches. I've been running for 2 minutes and I am so tired. Tyler is right in my heels. My pace start to get slower. I fell Tyler's arm wrap around my waist and he pulls me tour his chest.

I scream and he picks me up, "Aren't you just a little bitch?" he tells me.

I am getting really tired of his attitude. Can't he be a little nicer? What did I ever do to him. It's probably in his nature to be so mean and rude.

I start to wiggle to get out of his grip. He lets go of me but only to pick me up and get a stronger grip on me. I turns me over so I am facing him, "Do you want to play games? I will show you how to play the games," he says firmly. He looks me straight in the eye and I look right back at him. His eyes are cold but they don't show any other emotion.

He looks away and slings me over his shoulder. I scream at the sudden movement. He start to walk and I hit his back and scream to put me down. As we are about to enter the hotel he finally puts me down.

"What the fu-" I get cut off by Tyler's hand covering my mouth.

He looks at me with his cold stare, "Shut up! Don't you dare make a scene inside," he loudly whispers at me.

I shake my head and he takes my hand in his. We walk in and I see everyone's eyes on me. Since I am still in my bikini and everyone else is well dress. Tyler notices all the attention drawn to me, especially by men.

He looks down at me and grabs my towel from my free hand. "Cover your self, you look like a slut," he whispers to me.


That really did hurt. Most of the time I don't give a crap about what he says but this time it really did hurt.

I look up at him with my mouth wide open. I take the towel from him and cover most of my stomach and legs.

We call through the whole lobby. All this time I've been looking down fighting the tears.

He isn't worth it Emma, I think to myself over and over again.

We reach the elevator and we get in with some older people. Tyler and I are in the side and one of the men ask us what floor we are going to. Tyler tells him the top.

The elevator starts to move and I look at the other people. Almost all of the older men are eyeing me. Some of them may be as old as my dad. That is just weird and gross.

I feel Tyler's hand go around my wrist. He pulls me behind him and I am now cover by his body.

The door to the elevator opens and closes a few times and everyone starts to get out. We soon are left alone and we reach our floor. The door opens and Tyler roughly pulls my arm.

He opens the door to the room and guides both of us to the room. I am suddenly very scare.

He grabs me by the waist and pulls me towards him. He lifts my face up so I can see him, "Remember this next time you find your self another asshole like Zac, you belong to me," he kisses me roughly and pulls back, "I am the only one who can kiss you and touch you. You are mine!," he yells at me.


I notice my breath is very quick. I am gasping for air and so is Tyler. I feel dirty and like a slut. I guess I'm not really a slut because I had sex with my husband.

Tyler's breath goes back to normal. He climbs off me and gets dress. He leaves the room.

I start to get dress as well. When I am about to put my shirt on I hear my phone start to ring. I grab my phone and look at the caller ID. It was Hayli.

I took a deep breath and answered it, "Hello."

"Hey Em your on speaker, Ash is here with me," She says.

"Hey Ash."

"Hey Em, why are you breathing so heavily?" she asks.

Shit! I didn't even realize I was still breathing heavily.

"Um, I don't know," I tell them. There silent on the other line for a few seconds.

I hear a gasp, "Did you and Tyler just-" I hear laughter, "Were sorry if we interrupted something" they say giggling.

I feel myself starting to heat up, "Eww, no you did not interrupt anything, what do you guys want anyways?" I say trying to change the subject.

I hear laughter once again, "Okay whatever, where are you? We haven't heard from you since the day of the wedding and you weren't in school today," they tell me.

I completely forgot to tell them about the 'honeymoon'. "I'm in the Bahamas, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I say to them.

"Oh my god, you lucky little bitch," I hear Ashley yell out.

"When did you leave?" Hayli asks.

"I left yesterday at 2:30," I tell them.

My phone vibrates and I look at it. It is a text from Zac.

"Um guys I have to go," I tell them.

"Okay bye Em, love you," They both say.

"Love you too bye," I tell them. I hang up and check the message.

Hey :) R u still going to the party? -Zac

The party I totally forgot about the party. Even though I feel like shit right now, I'm going to the party. No matter what Tyler thinks, I'm going to go have fun!


Hey!! How do you like the story so far? It took me a whole day to write this chapter, I just didn't know what to write. Anyway, please comment and vote.

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