Chapter 29: Trouble, Trouble

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Tyler's P.O.V.

He looks at the clipboard again. He examines it for a couple seconds before looking up at me. He pats my shoulders, "Yeah she's fine." That take off half of the worryness. I need to know now about the baby.

"How about the baby?" I ask.

The doctor grins, "Both of them are fine, I just need to talk to you about the baby." I nod and he takes that as a cue to continue talking, "Emma needs to have rest and take it easy, right now she may be in risk of losing the baby."

She can't lose the baby. Even though I only found out about it a few days ago I already lobe it too much to let it go. I'm going to make sure that baby stays safe. "Okay I'll make sure she does, when can she leave?," I ask the doctor.

"She can go home today."

I nod, "Okay thanks, can I go in and see her?

"Yeah but only one person at a time," he informs us before he leave.

I look at Ashlee and Hayli and they both still look shock. Hayli weakly smile, "You can go in first."

I nod and begin to walk tours Emma's room. Emma is already awake, thank god! She looks at me but quickly looks away. I sigh, "Hey," I say quietly.

"Hey," she whispers.

I sit in a chair near her bed. I gently put my hand on her stomach and she immediately looks at me with wide eyes. "Is everything okay?" She asks sounding super worried.

Emma's P.O.V.

When Tyler put his hand in my stomach negative thoughts entered my mind.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worried. I can't lose the baby it would hurt to much.

"Yeah everything is fine with you and the baby," Tyler says with a grin.He takes one of my hands in both of his," When we go home though you have to rest and take it easy, okay."

Something is wrong I just know it. Tyler seems like he is hiding something important. I look at him, "Tyler what did the doctor tell you?" I ask serious.

He takes a deep breath and looks down, "The doctor said your in danger of losing the baby."

My eyes widen. I don't know how to react to this, I mean who does. Knowing that the baby you are carrying inside of you might die inside of you.

"But the doctor said you just need to rest and stuff," he quickly adds. I don't really have a choice.

"Okay, but when can I go home," I ask. I think I've only been here for about an hour but in already sick of it. Hospitals have always made me feel sick.

"You can go at anytime you want, I just need to go check you out," he gets up, "Do you want to leave all ready?"

I smile and nod. He chuckles, "Okay I will go check you out, I will send Ashlee and Hayli in." I didn't know they were here.

Tyler leaves and moments later Ashlee and Hayli appear. They both hug me when they see me. They also go on about how scare they were when they saw Tyler carrying me and that they are so happy I'm okay. Both of they are such good friends I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Half an hour later Tyler finally appears again. He tells me it's okay for me to go home and we could leave.

The ride was super loud. There was laughing and a lot of talking. When we got home Ashlee and Hayli stayed for about an hour. They said they were making sure I was okay. I don't think that was the reason why, though. I think they were just making time so they didn't have to go home and explain to their parents why they missed the last 3 periods of the day.

When they left Tyler had me, either sitting down or laying down, the rest of the afternoon. He would bring me everything I need. I guess resting won't be that bad I don't get to do anything.

Two Weeks Later

Today I have a check-up. I have an ultrasound and I will finally be able to see the little person inside of me. I'm about 8 weeks along and I already have a bump. I think the bump is a little too big. Rumors of my pregnancy have already been forming.

"Are you ready, Emma?" Tyler tells me. Tyler has been so caring and sweet this past weeks. It's nice to see this side of him. We are also in a much better terms now.

We are missing school today even though the appointment is only going to take about half an hour. That's one of the upsides of being a married teen, you get to manage your own schedule.

"Yeah, let's go," I tell him. I get into the car, which he has already started, and he begins to drive.

Tyler begins to sing a couple minutes into the ride. I really enjoy hearing him sing, he has been singing a lot these past weeks, but I really don't mind. I have been really stressed out these past days. There has been a lot of things going on, one of them being the baby. When Tyler begins to sing his voice manages to get the stress off for a bit. His voice is like a big wave of relief.

The car comes to a stop and Tyler stops singing. I look over to him and he smiles, "We're here, lets go see our little peanut," he says with a lot of enthusiasm in his voice. His been so excited for today.

I smile, "I don't think it's a little peanut anymore," I point at my stomach, "I mean look at my stomach."

He chuckles and leans over to my stomach. He places one of his hand on the side of my stomach, "I love you," he whispers and kisses my stomach. I can't help but smile, I mean that is the cutest thing I've ever witness. He smiled up at me, "Lets go."

I get out and follow him inside. There is much more people today then when I last came. Most of the women are pregnant and some of them are giving me dirty looks. I've never payed attention to what people think of me so why should I start now. Tyler checks me in and we take a seat, well at least I do.  Tyler said he is too excited to sit down. I honestly laugh at him a bit.

After 15 minutes of waiting and laughing at Tyler a nurse finally calls me, "Emma Evans." Tyler and I both follow the nurse and she does all the things your suppose to do during check up. She took my temperature, blood pressure, and weight me. I had already gained 5 pounds. They put both of us in a room and told us to wait for the doctor.

There was a light knock and Dr. Greene walks into the room, "How are you?" She says with a bright smile.

"Good," Tyler and I say in unison.

"Great, so how far a long are you now?" She sits down in a chair near me.

"I'm about 8 weeks," I simply tell her.

"Ok, now let's check on how the baby is doing," she tells me. I lay down and Tyler moves next to me. Dr. Greene smiles at both of us, "Can you please lift your shirt up?" I do as told and reveal my baby bump. I look at Tyler and he's looking down at my bump. Tyler has never seen my bump without anything covering it and he seems amaze.

Dr. Greene puts a gel on my stomach. She grabs the transducer and begins to move it around my stomach. Tyler and I both look up to the screen and I honestly can't tell what anything is. Dr. Greene finally points out the baby. I smile and so does Tyler.

She looks at the screen and starts move around my belly. She is really quite and staring intensely at the screen. "Is everything alright?" Tyler ask worried.

She moves around for a couple more seconds and breaks into a big smile, "Yeah, yeah everything is fine," she looks at both of us amused, "I have a question."

"Sure, what is it?" I tell her. She was acting really weird and I wanted to know why.

"Do you well can you handle trouble?"

"What?" Tyler asks confuse.

"How well can you handle trouble?" She repeats.

"Um, pretty well, I guess," I tell her.

She smiles widely, "Great! Because you are going to have double trouble," Tyler and I look at each other with wide eyes, "You're going to have twins!"


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