Chapter 35: Hospital

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Tyler's P.O.V

"Don't come closer!" Luke warns, "Or I will kill her and your precious twins!" And just then he puts a gun up to her temple.

This is the exact moment my world started closing in on me. I feel trapped. In front of me was the love of my life with a gun pointed to her head. All it would take is one shot and she instantly would be dead. Not only would she be gone but also the two precious human beings inside of her. I would have nothing to remind me of her, nothing.

I never imagine myself loving a women so much. I would replace myself with her in a heart beat. I will rather die then see her die, right in front of me. I will give my everything. I never want to see her going through pain. It hurts me knowing that she is suffering. She is hopeless in front of me and I can't do anything about it. If I do, everything can end in a big tragedy. If that happens I will not be able to live knowing that I was the reason why she died.

I put my hands up, in surrender, "I'm not! Please don't hurt her!" I beg. I have never felt so weak, but for Emma I will do anything. Even if it means showing myself as weak.

I look at Emma and see pain in her eyes. Something is wrong with her, I know it. Maybe Luke already hurt her and I don't know it. She may be in a lot of pain and it's all because of that bastard.

"Don't call the police!" Luke demans.

I have this whole house surrounded by police already, but he is probably to stupid to realize though. I am not taking my chances though. I'm not crazy to tell him that either.

"I'm not going to call them!" I begin, "Please put the gun down!" The sight is too much. Seeing Emma look so vulnerable.

Behind Luke there is a huge window. His back is facing the window so he can't see police that are pointing their guns at him. Before I came here I got back up, a lot of back up.

Suddenly I hear a shot go off and then another one goes off too. Two shots were fired but only one was shot by the police. The other shot was made with Luke's gun. He fired it and he was only aiming at one person, Emma.

Panick begins to rise inside of me. I look at Emma. Her eyes are close and she is super pale. I reach her at the same time the police reach Luke. Luke is laying on the floor with a bullet on his back. Blood is visible through his shirt.

I don't, I can't, waste another second. I scoop up Emma in my arms and quickly run outside. There is an ambulance outside already too. It looks like they just arrive, considering they are berly stopping. I didn't hear it through all the commotion.

The paramedic put out the stretcher and I quickly, bit carefully, put her down. They load her into the ambulance and I also get on it. They hook her up to a bunch of machines while I hold her hand, begging her to stay with me. I never imagined myself in this type of situation. Watching how the life inside of Emma is slowly starting to fade away.

Even though I have only known Emma for months I know she was once a happy girl. A girl who enjoyed living life. A girl with a bubbly attidute. Now she is a looks like a broken girl. A girl who has gone through way to much bullshit. She looks like she want to give up on life. I will probably be ready to give up on live by this point. But she can't and she has two big reasons why.

The ride to the hospital is short but feels like an eternity. Once we arrived they rush her out of the ambulance and into the hospital. I follow closely behind them. I am about to go into the room they put her in but I am stopped by a nurse.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you can't go in here," she says politely.

I glance at the room and then I looks at the nurse, "Okay, but can you please update me on her condition," I ask. She nods in approval. She goes back into the room leaving me alone.

I sit down on the waiting room. I suddenly let out a sigh of frustration. I run my hand through my face. I should probably let everyone know what is going on.

Ashlee and Hayli both went to Emma's house to let her mom know what is going on. I went to the police to let them know what was Emma situation. I take my phone out and start to write a message to Hayli.

Me: Hey I'm at the hospital, Luke shot Emma, can you come?

I get a response almost immediately.

Hayli: Oh my gosh! Yeah we are already on our way

I let out another sigh as I finish reading it. I hope that Emma is fine. I look to the room and that's when I see a doctor rush out. Something is not right, I can tell by the look on his face. The doctor comes towards me.

I stand up, "What's going on?" I ask a little to fast, but I don't care. I need to know what is Emma's condition.

The doctor looks at me, "Are you a relative of the young women?" He asks. Okay, this is really getting on my nerves, but I know that they are only suppose to give out information to relatives.

"I'm Tyler Evans, her husband," I tell them.

He nods, "Oh ok, then you are the father of the baby?" He says. Something is wrong with the twins aswell.

"They are twins, but can you just tell me what's going on?" I ask, already getting impatient. Just tell me what the hell is wrong with all of them.

"She is also in labor," He says. I am shocked to hear this. They were supposed to be born in about a month and a half.

I run my hand through my hair, I'm about to be a dad. There would be two people entering my life and I will have to protect them. I will have to do my best on raising them because if I fuck up just a little bit, it can fuck up their whole life.

"How is Emma, though," I ask, hopefully she is okay.

"Ah yes, the bullet didn't directly hit her, so she is awake right now and about to give birth," he says, "We need to perform an emergency c-section." A big wave of relief comes all over me. Emma is safe.

"Ok," I say, "Can I be there with her?" I really don't want to miss the birth of my sons.

The doctor nods, "Yes, I will go get your gown, I will come get you," he says before he rushes back into the room.

I turn around and see Hayli, Ashlee, and Emma's mom rushing in. Once they spot me the run towards me.

"How is Emma?" Mrs. Faye asks when they are in front of me. Ashlee and Hayli look just as worry as Emma's mom.

"She, um, she is fine but she is in labor," I tell them.

All of them seem shock but happy. "Oh my gosh! So we are going to meet the two future nephews?" Ashlee asks with a sqeal.

I nod and they all suddenly embrace me into a hug. I can't believe I'm going to meet my sons in a couple of minutes. It seems so unreal.

I hear someone clear their throat and I turn around. "Mr. Evans it time," the doctor tell me. I nod and follow him into the room that I'm going to change into the gown.

It's time to meet my sons.


The babies are about to get here! This was all Tyler's P.O.V. it was hard to write, but here is the next update. Sorry for the cliffhanger last week, ops!

Just wondering but did any of you guys have a mini heart attack while reading this?

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