Chapter 31: Let Me Tell You About It

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Both of our families were so shocked and excited when we told them about the twins. They all thought we were playing a sick joke on them. On that family reunion we had I took the liberty on congratulating Ryan for his relationship with Ashlee.

My pregnancy is really starting to show now. All of my close are starting to get a little tighter around my stomach. It is honestly fustrating to know that you are getting fat and there's no way to stop it. School hasn't been any easy for me these last couple of weeks. Everyone knows that I'm married and pregnant but they still not know it's Tyler.

For the last couple of minutes I've been arguing with myself whether or not to get up. It's Friday and it's one of those days when you don't want to get up. I turn to my side and Tyler's face is way to close to mine.

He smile, "Good morning, aren't you going to get up?"

I let out a long sigh, "I don't want to deal with people at school today," I admit. There are some people saying I only got married because I was already pregnant. Those rumors were followed by people giving me names. I haven't told anyone about this, so I'm not going to start with Tyler.

Tyler looks at me confuse and gets on one elbow, "Okay, we can just stay home today." I am so glad he didn't ask anything. He lays back down and stares at the ceiling. 

"I want to find out more about you," he suddenly blurts out.

I totally did not expect that to come out of his mouth. I was expecting, what do you mean you don't want to deal with people at school?


"I want to know you better," he states again. This is so random.

"Um, okay what do you want to know?" I tell him. I turn around so I am facing him.

"How many boyfriends have you had?" He ask curiously.

I can't help but laugh at his question. Does he really want to know? He raises his eyebrow, "Five," I tell him with a smile. I started dating when I was around 11 or 12 so it's been 4 years. The last relationship I had was with Luke, a year ago. I haven't dated anyone else since then. Weird right? Considering that I'm married.

I can see Tyler's clench jaw. I let out a small giggle, "How girls have you dated?"

That makes a small grin appear on his lips, "I don't know," he shrugs, "A lot, they just couldn't get enough of me!" He starts to trace whole body which makes me laugh.

"Okay, since we are playing this game now, I'm allow to ask you questions," I tell him.

He nods, "Okay, ask away!" He gave me permission, so I'm going to go really deep.

"What has been the one thing that has hurt you the most?" I ask with all seriousness.

I have always wonder this about Tyler. I have always know Tyler as the big tough men but I have a feeling he wasn't always like this. There has to be a reason for this. Under all of this tough look their is a very loving and sensible Tyler, who can make you melt by just a look. Okay maybe he can make you melt right now, but you get my point.

He looks away from me and take a deep breath, "When my brother died that was the one thing that hurt me the most," he says in a low whisper but I'm still able to hear it. He had another brother? Tyler really knows how to surprise someone.

"You had another brother?" I ask in shock and surprise, "How did he die?" My curiosity is just dying to know!

Tyler finally looks over at me. He's eyes are fill with tears, "I killed him," he says with a rough voice. I can sense that this is a touchy subject, but I just can't help myself. Just by those two words he just said my curiosity is in a whole new level.

"What do you mean?" I say while sitting up in bed, so I have a better look of his face.

He sits up as well but leans against the headboard of the bed. He looks at me with a blank expression, "When I was 14 I was invited to my first party and it was a senior party. It was one of my brother's friend party. My parents both told me I couldn't go, but I wanted to go so bad. I somehow managed to talk my brother, Kian who was 17 at the time, to take me with him. He took both of us there and we were there for about two hours," Tears were streaming down his face by now, "When we got home and mom and dad caught us. They told me to go to my room. I walked away from them but I was eavesdropping on their conversation. They started to get into a big argument and my brother stormed out of the house. Kian apparently had been drinking at the party and when he left the house he soon lost control of his car, and..."

Did he really blame himself for his brother death? It was in no way his fault. His brother had made the choice to do this. Tyler did not have anything to do with this.

Tears were running one after another. I couldn't stand to watch him like this. I needed to comfort him. I know how it feels to loose someone, I lost my dad.

"Tyler, it wasn't your fault," I say sternly, but he wasn't paying attention to me. He was looking out the window. I stood up and sat on his lap, more like straddle. I firmly grab his face making him look at me, "It was not your fault, he made the decision to leave the house drunk!"

"But if I hadn't made him take me to the party he would've never gotten into the argument with my parents," he say sitting up a little more straighter, making my bump press into his bare stomach.

I know he was still grieving his death. The pain still felt fresh. "I know it hurts like a bitch Tyler, but you eventually have to get over it," I say with a soft whisper. "It true, the pain is unbearable but you just have to come to the idea that their gone. They are never going to come back, no matter what you do."

This is exactly how I live my life by since my dad died. I just get by one day at a time and try not to grief. No matter how much I cry or how bad I want him here, the truth is he is never coming back. You just have to get over it and keep moving forward.


Here is this week's chapter. Sorry Ididn't post last week but I was busy. This book might be coming to an end :( So please vote and comment. I love reading your comments.

Unplanned Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें