Chapter 26: Appointments and Dates

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The kiss kept replying through my mind all night long. His lips on mine just felt so right. Tyler kissed me and it felt amazing. That somehow is the best birthday present.

I'm laying in bed with Tyler on my side. Tyler is asleep and one of his hand is around my waist. Suddenly I feel sick to my stomach. I get up and run to the bathroom. I start to throw up everything I ate yesterday.

"What's wrong?" I hear a sleepy, but concerned, male voice say behind me. I knew it was Tyler.

I don't answer him because I'm still vomiting my guts out. I finally stopped and got up to brush my teeth. Tyler was now standing next to me.

Examining my face he said again, "Are you alright? What happen?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I think it's what I ate yesterday."

A sigh escaped his lips, "Okay, I'm going to get ready," He tells me before he exits the bathroom.

Once I finish brushing my teeth I go back to the bedroom to pick the clothes I will wear. I got some black skinny jeans and a gray tanktops. I went into the bathroom and changed.

When I got out Tyler was sitting down in the bed. He grin, "Are you ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, let me just put my shoes on," I hurried to the closet. I pulled out my black converse and put them on. When Tyler saw I was ready he began walking downstairs, I followed behind.

"Do you want something to eat before we leave?" he asks me. I shake my head no, after the incident I had this morning I'm not very hungry.

We got in the car and he began to drive. Silent filled the car. I saw the school come into view but to my surprise he drove past it. I looked at him, "Why did you drive past school?" I ask.

He looked at me for a quick second and then back at the road, "Because you are going to the doctors," he stated.

I suddenly felt pissed at him, "I don't want to go to the doctors, nothing is wrong with me," I snapped at him.

"Its better to make sure your okay than to be sorry later," he said in a very calmed voice.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to take me to the doctor's earlier?" I'm so pissed off right now. How could he just make decisions about me?

"Because if I told you earlier you wouldn't gotten in the car because you are so fucking stubborn," he tells me.

I don't say anything after that because I'm so angry at him. The ride is super silence after that. Finally Tyler stops the car and he gets out. I stay where I am, I'm not going.

Tyler comes over to my door and opens it, "Get out, come on."

I shake my head, "No, I told you I don't want to go." Is that so hard to understand.

"No, I'm not dealing with your bullshit right now, so get out before I make you," he says seriously.

I'm not really scare of him and I don't want to go. I'm more scare of what the doctor would say. "I'm not going, I already told," I snapped at him.

He sighs and starts to unbuckle me, "I'm going to tell you one more time, get out," he says impatient.

"No," I yelled. He ran a hand through his hair. He bend down and grab both of my wrist. He pulled me up making me get out of the car. He closes the door and makes me start to walk tours the doctors, "I hate you."

He grins, "Me too sweetheart." Once we are in the office he tells me to sit in one of the chairs. I do as I'm told. The room is not really full but there a few people in here. Most are women and what I assume are their husbands.

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