Chapter 33: Finding Out About Luke

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Tyler's P.O.V.

My life has been better than ever in last few days. I get constant smiles and laughs from Emma and most importantly I know she loves me. The two little guys inside of her are due to arrive in about a month and a half. It gets closer and closer every day.

I'm sitting in history class right now. Obviously not paying attention at all. My mind is too occupied on Emma. A feel a light vibrating in my pocket. I slowly take out my phone being careful the teacher doesn't see me.

Hayli: Hey have you seen Emma?

Me: Um no isn't she suppose to be in science

I have a feeling something is wrong with her? I don't get a response from Hayli for a couple of minute.

Hayli: Ashlee has science with her and she said she is not there

I know Emma is here. I personally brought her. It's not like her to be skipping classes.

Me: where are you right now?

Hayli: I'm in break

Me: okay meet me in the gym

I stand up and start to walk to the door but I am stopped when I hear my name being called. I turn around and the teacher is glaring at me. I mean I really couldn't care less if I skipped class.

"Mr. Evans where do you think your going?" She asks.

I roll my eyes, "Out of this classroom," I say in a 'duh' tone.

"Well is there a reason why you need to leave?" She asks in a very serious voice.

This teacher is really getting me annoyed now. She asks so much questions. I sigh in fustrating, "Yeah, my wife seems to have vanished," I tell her. Everyone in the class turns to me, surprise by the information. There has been rumors going around for the last couple of months that Emma and I are married. Neither of us had confirm this, but I just did.

The teacher finally nods, "Okay you can go." In a second I am out the door and running towards the gym, where I have told Hayli to meet me. The hallway is crowded with teenagers but I am in such a hurry that I just push and shove not caring if someone gets hurt.

When I reach the gym, Hayli is already there. She is sitting in the bleachers with a worried expression on her. "Hey so what exactly is going on?" I say, getting straight to the point.

She looks at me and stands up, "I'll tell you when Ashlee gets here, I don't want to explain it twice," she says. Just as the words leave her mouth I hear the door to the gym open and someone running towards us.

Ashlee is out of breath, "Okay, okay I'm here now tell us what's going on?" She says while trying to catch her breath.

She looks at both of us, "Okay so I told Emma if she could quickly meet me in the bathroom during my break and she agreed. I was waiting for her but she didn't show up and that's when I texted Ashlee," she looks at Ashlee and she nods remembering, "You said that she wasn't there, so I called her and she didn't pick up. I kept calling but she still didn't pick up and that's when I thought she was with you Tyler. Once you answered my text and you didn't know where she was, I began to panick."

Once I know all the information, I begin to panick also. Emma always picks up her phone because she is attach to it 24/7. As long as I've know her she has always been there for her friends, so it's very odd she didn't meet up with Hayli.

I run a hand through my hair, "Have you notice anything strange in the last couple of days?" I ask fustrated. I can't stand the idea of something being wrong with Emma. If something is wrong with her, something is wrong with our two little guys.

They both shake their heads. Suddenly Ashlee snaps her head towards Hayli, "Luke!" She yells out.

Hayli eyes widen and she covers her mouth, "Oh my gosh, how the hell did we forget about him!"

I am so confuse, "Who is Luke?" I ask both them.

Ashlee and Hayli exchange looks and then Hayli shakes her head, "Luke is Emma's ex," Ashlee informs me.

The thought of Emma being with another guy makes my blood boil. I don't understand what he has to do with this situation.

I am still as confuse as I was before, "But what does he have to do with this?"

Hayli take a deep breath and sits in the bleachers, "Emma and Luke broke up about a year ago because he was very abusive towards her. He one day decided to move and that's how they broke up," she tells me. I would have never guessed this about Emma.

"We think there is something more about them than what she has told us. We think there is something she is hiding and doesn't want to tell us, but we have never asked about it," Ashlee continues.

Everything is so confusing right now. All of these information about Emma is kind of, overwhelming.

I run my hand through my hair, messing it slightly, "Let me try and calling her," I say pulling out my phone. I dial her phone number and wait for her to answer. But she didn't pick up.

They both look at me, "Let me try again," I say. This time I put on speaker.

On the forth rings someone picks up, "Tyler Evans." This voice sounds too deep to be Emma's.

"Who is this?" I ask. Ashlee and Hayli are both looking at each other, with wide eyes.

I hear the person laugh, "Luke," the person says, which I now know is Luke.

Anger is starting to build up inside of me, "Where the fuck is Emma?"

"She is right here with me," he begins. I can hear the smirk in his lips, "I wanted to... talk." Just in this moment I hear a scream. The scream continues and I can hear my name being yell out. It's Emma I know it's Emma.

"What the fuck did you do her? You better not have touched her! I swear if you did I wi-" I say but get cut off by his laughing.

"I can't promise anything, I need to finish my talk with her now, bye Tyler," he says and hangs up.

I feel like my world is going to crumble. If something happens to her, I'm going to go crazy. Ashlee and Hayli are both as worried as I am.

"We need to go!" I say turning towards the door. They both nod and start to run with me. I need to find her and I will.


Oh no! Short one today but I just needed to update. So many things are going to happen in these chapters! So stay tune for next week's update.

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