Chapter 2: Meeting the Cullen's

Comenzar desde el principio

I say, "I know the feeling. Now, sexy man, are we going to watch netflix?"

We watch Netflix for hours and Emmett is taking me to his place to meet his family and I get changed into this:

We watch Netflix for hours and Emmett is taking me to his place to meet his family and I get changed into this:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I say, "I'm ready to go, Emmett. Do you think they'll like me?"

Emmet pulls me to him and says, "They'll love you. C'mon lets go."

He pecks my lips and throws me over his shoulder and I squeal and say, "Emmett, put me down."

Emmett thinks about it and taps my ass. So, I reach down and light smack his ass that I have a wonderful view of. He slaps mine harder and I yell and say, "Emmett!"

He says, "Don't dish what you can't take, darling."

I say, "You hit my ass first. I tapped yours."

He pulls me back over his shoulders and has my ass in his hands and soothingly rubs it and I place my head into his neck and I let out a little moan. We finally pull away from each other and he kisses me sweetly. We hop into my Jeep and I toss him my keys out of my purse. He holds my hand that is resting in my lap. I say, "I know that you are unnaturally cold, but I find it soothing. I love being in your arms Emmett."

He says, "You are right on one aspect of what I am, but you have a lot more to learn. I love holding you baby."

We pull up to a gigantic house that is modernly decorated. It's really beautiful. Emmett helps me out of the Jeep and we walk inside and I see 7 people in a room, that I haven't met yet.

Emmett points to a lovely couple. "The Blonde man is Carlisle and his wife, Esme. They are our parents."

I say, "Hi Doctor Cullen and Mrs. Cullen."

Esme comes up to me and hugs me and says, "Call us Carlisle and Esme, dear."

I smile at her and say, "You might have to correct me a few times Esme."

She laughs at my joke and so does Carlisle.

I see a beautiful blonde woman and I say, "Your name is Rosalie, right?"

She smiles and says, "Yes it is."

I say, "Emmett told me about how you two are close. I know that's not the full story, but I'm willing to wait for the full one."

She says, "You and Isabella are nothing alike. You got all the patience I presume."

I laugh and say, "I did. And the sense of fashion. She dresses like a boy."

Rosalie laugh and says, "We'll be great friends."

I say, "I think we are already."

I give her a hug. I walk back to Emmett and nod for him to continue. "So this is Erick. He is Rosalie's boy toy."

I smack him upside the head and he says, "Sorry, I mean boyfriend. Damn, baby. You hit hard."

Pic of Erick:

I wave and say, "Hi, Erick

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I wave and say, "Hi, Erick. It's nice to meet you."

He nods and holds Rosalie. I then meet Alice and Jasper. Emmett says, "This is Alice and Jasper. They are a couple as well. You won't meet Edward today, he's visiting family in Alaska."

I say, "Bella is somewhat pissed at Edward. Excuse my language."

Esme said, "Why?"

I say, "Apparently, he glared at her an entire period and acted like she smelled like dead mice."

Esme says, "That's horrible."

I say, "Bella wants to confront him and demand him to tell her why he was looking at her like that. I think. I think that is what she wanted to do, I personally thought she was being overdramatic about the situation. I don't think he was totally comfortable with a new student taking away part of his personal space."

Rosalie says, "I, 100% agree with Spencer."

Alice is bouncing with happiness around her and she starts to drag me to the living room where she is going to paint my nails. Ok. I say, "Am I allowed to watch Netflix?"

Esme says, "Of course you are dear."

I yell in a sing song voice, "Emmett, you are missing Bones."

He runs down the stairs in a blur and I blink my eyes and I say, "Holy shit, am I going blind?"

Emmett says, "No baby, you are not. It's just my hotness blinding you."

I cheekily say, "Are you sure it's not my own?"

His mouth is agape and then he shuts it and kisses my cheek. Then Alice forces him to move to another couch so she has enough room to paint my nails. Rosalie is working on my toes and I stare at Emmett and say, "Emmett, you haven't blinked since 15 minutes ago."

They all tense up for a second and I put two and two together. Impossibly fast. Super cold. Statue like. No heart beat, I noticed that with Emmett earlier today when we cuddled on the couch in my living room. I gasp and I say, "Are you what I think you are?"

Rosalie sighs and says, "Are you scared?"

I say, "Honestly? No. I think that is surprising though. When you come across supernatural beings that can kill you in seconds that you'll be scared of them, but I'm not. I know you won't hurt me. Emmett had more than enough chances to do so. I don't want to lose my new besties!"

Rosalie smiles and hugs me gently. I say, "You don't get along with humans, do you?"

She looks down and says, "No. Do you plan to be like us any time soon?"

I say, "No. I think I would like to get my career started and maybe have a child. I'm guessing by the looks on your faces that you can't have children? Have the guys even tried? I know the girls can't, but couldn't the sperm still swim up a human uterus and impregnate her. It would probably kill her if you didn't give her enough nutrients to sustain a half vampire baby. The mama would have to go on a blood diet I presume. Now, I'm rambling."

Carlisle says, "Keep going. I think you are on to something."

I continue, "Well, you could extract an embryo and artificially inseminate it to start the pregnancy and implant it into a human woman and monitor their growth/deterioration. Couldn't you?"

Carlisle says, "Yes, we could. I like the way your brain works. Very smart girl. I'm going to talk to the hospital and recommend you for a job there once you recieve your diploma from college."

I squeal and say, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I graduate in a few weeks."

Carlisle chuckles and says, "Your welcome."

Alice says, "Sit still Spencer."

I sit as still as I can while they finish. Emmett is still engrossed in Bones. I love this. I found a show that Emmett loves. Once everything is dry, I walk over to Emmett and curl up into him with his arms wrapped around me and he kisses my head as I fall asleep dreaming about my future with Emmett.

His Nurse:Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora