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Stiles' hand gripped at the cement wall of the courthouse. He suddenly felt unsteady on his feet. His tie felt much too tight and his ears began to ring.

"Hey, Stiles, you with me?" Noah's voice pulled Stiles back slightly.

Stiles only nodded, but his breathing was rapid and heavy.

"Take a seat," Noah lead him to a waiting room chair that lined the hall.

Stiles gripped at the wooden arm of the chair and tried to calm down.

"Are you okay?" his father's voice sounded distant, like he was in a tunnel.

"Stiles, look at me," Noah lifted his chin so Stiles could focus on his father's face. "This isn't Theo. This is Derek. He loves you. There's not a doubt in my mind. And I know there's not a doubt in yours. Just breath. He's in there and he's waiting on you. He won't walk away. He would never do that. I know that's what you're afraid of."

Stiles' tongue flicked out to wet his lips anxiously.

"Hey, there you are-" Derek's voice was suddenly there. "Are you okay?" Derek knelt in front of Stiles.

Stiles only nodded, not trusting his voice. Derek looked amazing in his black suit.

"I'll give you two a minute," Noah winked before stepping outside.

Derek cupped Stiles' face in his hands.

"Hey, baby, listen to me. If you aren't ready for this, we don't have to do it right now. Or ever if you don't want to. I know that you love me, and I don't need a piece of paper to tell me that, okay? So you say the word and we leave. Together."

Stiles frowned slightly, tears stinging his eyes.

Stiles walked in to see four different meals spread across their kitchen.

"Whoa, what's wrong?" Stiles frowned. Derek only cooked like this when he was stressed.

"Nothing, I just thought that I might try some new recipes," Derek crossed his arms, then immediately uncrossed them, before crossing them again.

Stiles smiled as he made his way to Derek. "Your body language tells me otherwise. Also, I see a lasagna. I'm pretty sure you've made that before," he pressed a brief kiss to Derek's lips.

"That was planned," Derek pointed at the dish, his other hand anxiously running along the back of his neck.

"What's his deal, huh Cathedral?" Stiles asked, turning to the black cat splayed on the kitchen bar. Stiles scratched his chin causing the cat to stretch, giving Stiles a clear view of a thin ribbon around his neck.

"What is this?" Stiles pulled the ribbon, only to see a silver ring dangling from it.

He whipped around to see Derek holding a wooden spoon, with a terrified look on his face.

"You can say no, but I thought, that maybe you'd want to marry me? Cathedral is what got us to start dating, so I thought it might be a cute way to propose, and then I got nervous when I started making the lasagna cause that's what we had for our first meal together and I got carried away," Derek was waving the wooden spoon around as he spoke.

Stiles let out a breathy laugh before taking a step towards Derek, "I love you." He kissed Derek sweetly.

"Is that a yes?" Derek asked into the kiss.

"Yes," Stiles rolled his eyes.

Derek tossed the spoon onto the counter and lifted Stiles up onto the island, pressing in for a deeper kiss.

"No," Stiles shook his head. "I want to marry you."

"Are you sure, cause-"

"Yes," Stiles cut in, he gripped Derek's wrists gently. "I won't let him ruin this for me, for us." He swallowed hard.

Derek leaned in pressing a soft kiss to Stiles' lips. "If you just want to sign the paperwork, we don't have to exchange any vows."

Stiles bit at his bottom lip. That had been the part he was dreading most. He'd written them out without a problem. But the saying them out loud would be the hard part.

"Are you sure?" Stiles felt bad. It was bad enough they weren't doing a full wedding because of him.

"Baby, all that matters is that we're together," Derek pressed another kiss to Stiles' forehead.

"Thank you," Stiles whispered. He was so thankful to have someone as understanding as Derek.


Stiles handed Derek the next envelope, "Here."

"Are you gonna make me lick all of these?" Derek groaned taking the envelope from Stiles.

"I told you we should have gotten the adhesive ones, but nooo," Stiles tucked an invitation into another envelope and shoved it towards Derek, "So yes, I'm gonna make you lick all of them."

"My tongue is gonna be raw," Derek huffed.

"I could kiss it better," Stiles wiggled his eyebrows at his husband.

"Maybe later. Lydia said if we didn't get these invitations in the mail tomorrow, she was going to castrate me."

Stiles laughed. That sounded like Lydia.

"How do you think your family is going to handle the whole, "Surprise we got married, thing?" Stiles glanced at Derek.

"At this point, I think the only one going to care is my mother. My siblings don't have to worry about me one upping them so...they just have to show up at the shower," Derek shrugged.

Stiles liked that Derek seemed unfazed by his family's reaction. It had only taken them five years to stop trying to make Derek feel guilty for 'wanting to be the disappointment'.

"Oh before I forget," Stiles pulled a folded sheet of paper from his back pocket. "I'm sorry I couldn't say this to you earlier, when we were at the courthouse, but...I still want you to read it."

Derek frowned taking the paper from Stiles.


I'm writing my wedding vows...again. Somehow, I expected this to be harder this time around but it's actually easier. I guess that's how you know it's real, right? You know there have been many things through the years that have let me know this is real. The way you support me. The way you handle my bad days. The way you love me when I'm being unlovable. It's all so...real. I don't feel like you don't want to be here and that's why I'm here today. That's why I'm marrying you. Because I know you want to marry me too. It scares me, standing next to you, waiting to see if you'll change your mind. But somehow I know you won't. And I know that even thought I'm terrified, you won't fault me for it. You won't make me feel bad. You'll love me no matter what. Just like I'll love you. It's funny to think that a little over five years ago, I slipped up, and claimed to be your boyfriend and now here I am, about to claim you as my husband. But this time, there's no mistake. There was a time when I claimed I'd fake forever with you, but I don't have to pretend, cause I know this is real. Thank you for loving me for me.

                              Sincerely, Stiles.

When Derek looked up, tears had gathered in his eyes. "I never expected vows from you. I know how sensitive that moment would be, and the fact that you wrote them anyway... that you wanted to tell me this...let's me know it's real." He smiled.

Stiles surged forward, pressing his lips to Derek's.

He pulled away instantly, "Oh blagh, you taste like an envelope," Stiles fake gagged earning a laugh from Derek. His husband. That was a funny thought. But he had the rest of his life to get used to it, cause it was real.

Okay that is probably the sappiest thing I have ever written. 😂😂 Anyway, this is it...I'm sorry if it's terrible, I truly never know how to end these things. Lol
Thank you for all of you who have read, voted and commented. It means to world to me!
Also if you are interested, I have started a new Sterek story called 'Same Old Song and Dance'. If not, I hope to see you in the future!

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