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The table was almost too silent as the four sat around staring at their menus. Stiles refused to be the first to speak, worried that Talia would start in on her personal questions again. However, once the waiter took their orders Stiles felt her eyes boring into him. He braced as she opened her mouth.

"I have to ask," She started, causing Stiles' chest to tighten with anticipation. "what are your intentions for my son?"

Stiles raised his brows. Was she serious?

"Well, I believe that when you date someone, it's in order to see if their right for you, no?"

Derek pursed his lips to hold back a smirk.

Talia looked slightly taken aback by Stiles smart remark.

At that moment Sebastian spoke up.

"Talia, don't hound the guy before we even get our meals."

Derek frowned at his father which didn't go unnoticed by Stiles.

"Aren't you the least bit curious why this young man is interested in our son?" Talia huffed in response.

"I don't get it, but-"

"Exactly, so I would like to know what drew him in. For instance Derek's money?" She turned accusing eyes to Stiles.

"How would he know he had money? He still drives that old piece of crap Camaro he got when he was sixteen and he lives in a one bedroom apartment that could fit in our garage," Sebastian scoffed, rolling his eyes.

Stiles couldn't help but gape at the pair. They were unbelievable.

"He's not dating me for the money," Derek practically growled at his mother.

"He wouldn't tell you if he was, dear," Talia gave her son a condescending pat on the hand, which he snatched away.

"I'm the one who asked him out," Derek spoke between grit teeth.

"And you agreed?" Sebastian asked, looking up from his phone to Stiles.

"I figured it couldn't hurt to give him a chance. He's gorgeous and sweet and can cook. What's not to like?" Stiles smiled over at Derek, hoping to get a clue as to if that was the right answer or not. The soft look on Derek's face told Stiles it was.

"Like? Not love?" Talia asked pointedly.

"Mom," Derek groaned.

"It's been three months, Derek, you two should know if you love each other."

Derek's jaw clenched.

Stiles wasn't sure what to say, but he could practically feel the tension rising between them.

"It's not something we've said to each other yet. I think we're both being cautious, but I think it's going well," Stiles offered then, hoping that would be enough to satisfy her.

"Derek hasn't said it yet? Odd, he always tends to fall fast and hard," Talia pursed her lips in a displeased manner.

"Thank you, mother," Derek glared at her to which she shrugged at.

"It's true."

"Well I hope that's the case here, cause I know I did," Stiles slid his arm around Derek's shoulders, rubbing it affectionately.

"And yet no I love you's?"

Stiles could feel his patience waning, she really was relentless.

"In my experience coming on too strong tends to make people uncomfortable."

I Would Fake Forever With You(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now