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Derek's living room suddenly seemed smaller as he attempted to pace it's floor. Cathedral was stretched out on the couch watching with bored eyes as his human walked from the front door to the spare bedroom door on the other side of the room.

"Hey, mom, this is Stiles, my boyfriend. Hi, mom, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Stiles. Mom, this is Stiles, my boyfriend." Derek ran a hand through his hair as he continuously rephrased his introduction. He glanced at the clock; he would need to be leaving soon.

The thought of that did nothing to dismiss his nerves. He was always nervous for his family's visits, but this time it was worse. He had a boyfriend whom his family would no doubt disapprove of. Stiles wasn't some wealthy businessman or a highly respected politician. But that wasn't Derek's type. He always knew that if he ever found someone he truly loved and wanted to be with, that they wouldn't fit into his family's standards. He knew this fight was a long time coming, but he wasn't even really with Stiles. But maybe that made it easier. Maybe he wouldn't feel so offended when they sneered at Stiles job, or taste in clothes, because they definitely would.

Dominic had already done that, just to a lesser degree. Derek had started to lose his patience at breakfast. He couldn't imagine what dinner would be like. He just hoped Stiles really could handle it.


Stiles had spent the afternoon talking to his dad before packing a bag of clothes for Derek's apartment. It felt weird packing clothes to leave at someone else's house. He hadn't done that since...suddenly Stiles' phone felt heavy in his pocket.

He pulled it out to see the voicemail reminder still at the top. Biting down on his lip, he dialed the voicemail and pressed the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Stiles, it me."

Stiles' throat suddenly felt tight and his eyes stung at the familiar voice. He hadn't heard that voice in at least a month.

"I think we should talk. I stopped by your house, but you weren't home. I tried talking to Scott and Lydia, but they..."

Stiles teeth sunk further into his bottom lip as Theo's voice trailed off. It was hard to hear after so long.

"Look, I know things are rocky right now, but if we can just talk. Please call me. I love you, Stiles."

Those last four words unleashed the waterfall behind Stiles' eyes. The tears started down his cheeks faster than Stiles could catch them.

He threw his phone down on the bed and sunk down against the wall. Burying his head in his arms he let himself cry, despite having promised himself not to cry over Theo again.


Derek knocked on Stiles' door. He was a few minutes early but being late was never an option with his family, unless you were Nana Hel who operated on her own schedule.

The door opened just a sliver to allow Stiles to peer out, before opening all the way.

"Hey, Derek," Stiles turned away from the door and reached out to grab the bag he'd packed.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Derek frowned.

"No," Stiles answered a bit too sharply. He held up the bag. "Clothes."

Derek saw the chocolate brown of Stiles' eyes were watery and the skin around was slightly puffy and red.

"Have you been crying?" Derek stepped forward, his hand instinctually reaching out to gather what looked to be a stray tear.

Stiles dropped his head in shame.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Derek pulled Stiles into his chest. They may not be actually dating but Derek had always been the compassionate one and right now Stiles was a friend who was hurting.

"It's nothing, really, I'm fine," Stiles' tone waivered slightly.

"Is this about that phone call from last night?" Derek had wanted to press the issue all day, but felt it was inappropriate.

Stiles only nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Stiles pulled away and wiped another tear that had escaped. "No. It won't help. I'm just...still dealing with it."

"Your ex I presume?" Derek knew that look. The look of someone who had been hurt and was still trying to move on.

"It's been a month. I shouldn't still care," Stiles huffed, straightening his shirt.

"How long were you two together?"

"Two years."

Derek's brows rose, "And you think you're supposed to be okay after just a month?"

Stiles shrugged. "I saw the writing on the wall months before, I just chose to ignore it."

"Most of us see the writing on the wall, we just assume it's addressed to someone else, so don't blame yourself," Derek gave a sympathetic smile.

"You're the best fake boyfriend," Stiles joked, grabbing the bag he'd dropped, once again.

"Why thank you, you're not half bad yourself," Derek winked, earning a smile from Stiles. There, that was better.

"Your family probably won't agree," Stiles gestured towards the door.

"You're right, they won't. And the fact that you're about to face them and you're not even my real boyfriend, makes you the best fake boyfriend and the best friend," Derek put an arm around Stile's shoulders and led him out of the door.

"Ooh, don't tell Erica that," Stiles laughed as he locked the door.

Derek dropped Stiles' bag off in his apartment before they headed for the elevator.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Derek asked.

"Well I feel very underdressed suddenly," Stiles said looking down at his khaki's and button down compared to Derek's grey slacks and white button down with a matching grey vest over top.

"No, you look great, I want you to be you, don't pretend to be someone you're not just because of my family, please," Derek shook his head. He refused to let Stiles change himself. His family would have to be okay with who he was. And if they weren't, well, their loss.

Just a small one for you.

I Would Fake Forever With You(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now