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*Smut chapter*

Derek and Stiles reached Stiles' apartment door; their hands clasped together.

"Thank you for meeting Erica tonight," Derek turned to face Stiles, not releasing his hand.

"I had fun. After the initial meeting of course," Stiles smiled. He was only slightly buzzed from the drinks Erica kept pushing his way. She'd called them a cab so that Derek could enjoy his night properly without worrying about driving home.

Derek leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Stiles' mouth. He pulled back a few inches before diving in again, this time pushing in a bit harder.

Stiles dropped Derek's hand, sliding it up and into Derek's hair while his other arm snaked around his back.

Derek's own hands gripped eagerly at Stiles' hips as the kiss deepened.

Stiles' parted his lips, meeting Derek's tongue with a gentle tease. This earned a guttural moan from the older man.

Stiles pulled back then shocking Derek slightly.

"Door's locked," Stiles said breathlessly as he dug his keys out.

Derek only nodded as Stiles pushed open the door and stepped inside.

As soon as the door was closed, their lips were locked once again. Derek pressed Stiles back into the door, his hand eagerly sliding up his side. This time it was Stiles' turn to let out a moan. He slid his over shirt off and allowed Derek to lift his t shirt over his head.

Strong hands roamed his bare sides and back as Stiles pushed Derek backwards towards the bedroom.

Derek continued to walk backwards as Stiles' fingers fumbled for Derek's pants button, their lips never parting.

When Derek's knees hit the back of the bed he let Stiles gently push him down onto his back.

Stiles slid his own pants off before straddling Derek.

"Fuck," Derek breathed out as Stiles' lips attached to his neck. He threw his head back giving him better access.

"You are far too dressed," Stiles spoke between kisses against Derek's throat.

"So do something about it," Derek panted, his hand gripping Stiles' hip.

Stiles pulled away earning a whine from the man below him.

"Shirt off," he ordered as he tugged the already open jeans from Derek's hips.

"Bossy," Derek smirked as he did as Stiles said.

"Oh sorry," Stiles frowned. It had always been a problem with him and Theo. Theo hated when Stiles got bossy in the bedroom.

"No, don't apologize. I like it," Derek assured Stiles, pressing a tentative kiss to his mouth.

Stiles couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips. Derek was okay with him being bossy in the bedroom. This excited Stiles.

"Tell me what to do," Derek whispered in Stiles' ear before nipping at it gently. It sent shivers down the younger man's spine.

"Hands above your head," Stiles ordered, pushing Derek back into a lying position.

Derek laid back and lifted his arms above his head.

Stiles pressed kisses down his chest and torso to the top of his underwear. He felt a small jolt from beneath the fabric which made him smile.

He slowly pulled down the fabric, exposing Derek's hard cock.

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