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The tears made Stiles' vision blurry as he made his way home. He only hoped that was where Derek went. He'd tried calling but there was no answer.

He wasn't sure if he was more mad or sad at the moment. On the one hand, how dare Theo show up like that, claiming to still be his fiancé. On the other hand, his chest ached with the memories of he and Theo's last encounter.

"I vow to support you, push you, inspire you and above all, love you, for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer and poor, as long as we both shall live," Stiles spoke, his eyes not leaving Theo's. He tried to ignore the signals he was reading from his soon to be husband. Nervous swallow, eyes dropping to the floor, licking of the lips.

Theo cleared his throat, "I take you to be my spouse. I promise to..."

Dread washed over Stiles. No, Theo wouldn't do this. Not now. Not in front of all their friends and family.

"I promise to choose you-"

Another drop of the eyes, another lick of the lips.

The room was pin drop silent.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," Theo released Stiles' hands and took a step back. Theo's bright blue eyes looked at him sympathetically before he turned away and rushed the side door of the church.

A breath Stiles didn't know he'd been holding was pushed from his lungs.

All at once Stiles' friends and family started to gather around him, to comfort and offer support. Amidst the sudden chaos, it didn't go unnoticed by Stiles that Liam hurried after Theo.

Stiles slammed his hand down on the steering wheel, "Son of a bitch," he swore loudly. It was official he was pissed. Theo had left him at the alter and taken their honeymoon with Liam. The thought made him sick.

He scrubbed the tears away from his face as he parked the jeep. He shot up a silent prayer that Derek would talk to him. The familiar black camaro was in it's usual spot so Stiles knew he was home.

He made his way to the elevator, trying to think of the right words to say. It wasn't even a real relationship. But Derek had been upset and Stiles couldn't blame him. He thought Stiles was engaged.

Stopping in front of Derek's door, he took a deep breath before knocking gently.

When the door didn't open, Stiles knew Derek didn't want to talk to him.

"Derek, please open up."


"I just want to talk."

Still nothing.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Theo...I...I should have been honest with you."

The silence made Stiles unsure if Derek was even home, but he kept going anyway.

"I know that this complicates things with your family and I'm so sorry, me a favor please..." Stiles swallowed, his eyes filling with fresh tears. "Whatever you tell them, don't let Desi know it was my fault. She needs to believe that there are nice people. Let her remember that about me, please," his voice waivered as the news tears spilled over.

He went to turn away, when the soft click of the lock made Stiles stop.

Derek opened the door and Stiles' heart broke. Had Derek been crying?

"Derek I'm so sorry, I-" Stiles was cut off by Derek holding up his hand.

"I just want to know, why me?" Derek's tone was quiet and calm. Too calm.

I Would Fake Forever With You(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now