A terrible breakup

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Derek pushed open the door and hurried out to meet Stiles in the driveway.

"Derek, hey," Stiles smiled but it instantly fell when he saw the look on Derek's face. "Whoa, what's wrong?"

Derek took Stiles' hands in his as he pressed a kiss to Stiles' lips.

Stiles frowned as Derek pulled away, his eyes dropped their hands where he was shoving a sliver ring into Stiles' palm.

"Theo stopped by," Derek spoke quietly, his head leaning in close to Stiles'.

"What?" Stiles took a step back so he could meet Derek's eyes.

Derek looked guilty.

Stiles glanced down at the silver ring to see a smear of red. "Is this blood?"

"He pissed Damon off," Derek answered with a grimace.

"What happened?" Stiles glanced to the house expecting to see Derek's family staring at them. But there was no one.

"He came to tell me to back off."

"Your family knows, don't they?" Stiles bit down on his bottom lip anxiously. He should have known Theo would do something like this.

"Not about us being fake, but..." Derek's eyes once again dropped to the ring in Stiles' hand.

"The engagement," Stiles nodded, dread washing over him.

"I didn't tell them. I swear. I would never-"

"I know, it's okay," Stiles gave a reassuring smile as he shoved the ring into his pocket.

"If you don't want to stay..."Derek rubbed comforting circles on the back of Stiles' hand.

"No, it's fine. Let's do this. How was it going before Theo crashed it?" Stiles laced his fingers in Derek's hand and lead him towards the house.

"Hellish," Derek chuckled but Stiles could tell he was still upset.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Theo is my problem, not yours," Stiles said, pausing on the front porch.

"No," Derek frowned, "It's our problem. We're in this together, now."

Stiles seemed taken aback by that.

Just then the door opened and Desi ran out, "Uncle Stiles." She leapt into Stiles' arms, allowing him to barely let go of Derek's hand in order to catch her.

"Hey, munchkin, how are you?" Stiles set her on his hip before stepping inside.

"Good, I was worried you weren't coming."

"I'll always come," Stiles winked.

Stiles pretended to not notice Damon pull Derek aside.

"I told everyone not to mention anything about Theo," Damon gave a curt nod.

"Thank you," Derek had never been particularly close with Damon, but Stiles had brought the two of them together somehow. He glanced at his boyfriend and smiled at the sight of him knelt down talking to the kids, with Ben grinning at him from the kitchen.

"Stiles, glad you could make it. Hope you got everything taken care of at work before coming over," Hayley gave a fake smile.

Stiles knew she was just giving him shit about putting work before Derek, but he wouldn't let her win.

"Actually no, I cut the meeting short. I promised Derek I wouldn't be more than thirty minutes late."

"You didn't have to do that," Derek frowned. He was going to end up getting Stiles fired if he kept rearranging his schedule to suit Derek's.

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