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"How do you feel?" Derek asked after a few moments of silence. They were currently on their way to Derek's work to meet Erica.

"About being rid of Theo for the last time? Or meeting the most important person in your life? Because the answer is very different depending," Stiles smirked over at Derek.

"Well I meant about Theo," Derek clarified, shooting Stiles a smile.

"I feel great, relieved," Stiles nodded. It was the truth. He had thought seeing Theo would be harder than it was.

"Good. How do you feel about meeting Erica?" Derek asked next, though he was sure he already knew the answer.

"Well I'm trying to decide what numbers I should play for the lottery cause I'm sure my chances of winning are higher than my chances of making it through tonight in one piece. I'm thinking I start with three, then nine..." Stiles looked contemplative, earning a laugh from Derek.

"Stiles, she's gonna love you."

"You don't know that. She sounds very protective and nobody, and I do mean nobody, has ever liked me on the first meeting. Ask Scott, Lydia, Kira, the list goes on. I'm not a great first impression kind of guy," Stiles flailed his hands, nearly taking off the rearview mirror in the process.

"I liked you on the first meeting," Derek offered.

Stiles gave him an incredulous look, "Did you really though? It's okay, you can be honest."

Derek laughed, "I really did."

Stiles frowned, "Well that just doesn't seem right."

Derek pulled up to the bar and parked the car before reaching over to take Stiles' hand in his.

"I like you, so Erica will. I can't promise that she won't threaten your life, because she probably will but when she sees how happy you make me, she'll be thrilled."

Stile bit down on his lower lip. "Do I really make you happy?"

"Happier than I've ever been to be honest," Derek averted his gaze slightly. His thumb drew small circles on the back of Stiles' hand. "I know we haven't known each other long, but we've already been through so much. Family drama, ex's, I feel like I've known you for so much longer than I have. There's something about you that's..."

"Familiar?" Stiles offered when Derek struggled to find the right word.

"Yeah," Derek nodded.

"I know what you mean. I feel the same way. With you I I can be me's okay," Stiles squeezed Derek's hand as he spoke.

Derek leaned forward then, catching Stiles' lips on his in a gentle kiss.

Stiles' heart leapt. No matter how many times Derek did that, it never ceased to excite Stiles. It was an excitement he never had with anyone else. Not even Theo.

"Alright, let's do this," Stiles pressed his forehead to Derek's briefly.

When the two entered the still barren bar, Stiles spotted a blonde with her back to them.

"No, that's too high, and too far left," She fussed at two men hanging a large sign on the back wall.

"Oh the new sign came in, it looks good," Derek spoke as they approached the bar, causing the blonde to whirl around.

"Derek," Erica beamed, her bright red lips curling into a wide grin.

Stiles braced nervously as she hurried from behind the bar.

Erica threw her arms around Derek. "I wasn't expecting you until later. What happened with dinner?" She asked, pulling back.

Stiles saw the way Derek tensed. Erica must have noticed it too cause her smile instantly turned to a frown.

I Would Fake Forever With You(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now