We're all adults here

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Stiles and Derek stumbled under the weight's of Dominic and Benjamin as they guided the pair out of the elevator.

"I love elevators, they're like a mini rollercoaster," Benjamin giggled as Stiles lead him down the hall.

"I hate them, they remind me of when we used to visit our dad at the office. I hated visiting dad at the office. Didn't you hate visiting dad at the office?" Dominic asked, turning to look at Derek who stumbled at the sudden shift of his brother's weight.

"If we didn't visit dad at the office, we didn't see dad," Derek reminded Dominic.

"Some days that was preferred," Dominic hiccupped.

"Lean against the wall so I can unlock the door," Derek slipped his arm from around his brother carefully.

"I always love visiting you Derek, we have so much fun here," Benjamin smiled widely, his eyes still glossed from the amount of alcohol in his system.

Stiles chuckled as he helped Benjamin into Derek's apartment.

"You two sit, I'm making you coffee to help sober you up," Derek ordered, practically dumping his brother on the couch.

"Ew, no, not unless you have the good stuff," Dominic whined, leaning back.

Derek rolled his eyes, "I do actually."

"Good stuff?" Stiles frowned as he followed Derek to the kitchen to help.

"Coffee imported from Columbia. It was a gift from him and Ben for my birthday last year. My family are coffee snobs," Derek explained pulling out a bag of expensive looking coffee.

"I get the feeling they're snobs about a lot more than coffee," Stiles pursed his lips to hold back a smile as he inspected the way Dominic sneered at the couch he was sitting on.

"Is this fake leather?"

"You try owning a real leather couch with a cat," Derek rolled his eyes.

"So get rid of the cat," Dominic chided in response.

"Do you need anything else?" Stiles asked in a quiet tone then, eyeing the door. He was pretty tired, and it was late.

"No, I'm good. Thanks for... ya know," Derek gave a soft smile that made Stiles' heart skip.

Stiles dropped his eyes in embarrassment. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" They hadn't gotten the chance to properly discuss the arrangement.

"Yeah," Derek nodded.

The two of them were very aware of the eyes on them. Stiles wasn't sure, as Derek's boyfriend, what he should do, if anything.

"Goodnight," Derek dipped in, pressing a chaste kiss to Stiles' cheek.

"Night," Stiles smiled before turning to the couple on Derek's couch. "It was nice meeting you both. Have a good night."

"No, wait," Benjamin jumped to his feet, toppling over and catching himself on the table. "You're leaving?"

Stiles frowned, "Yeah."

"No, don't leave on our account. We'll just crash Derek's spare room for the night. We don't want to kick you out."

Stiles mouth formed an o shape when he realized they thought he was living with Derek.

Derek and Stiles exchanged unsure glances.

"Come on, we're all adults here. You've been dating for three months, we're under no illusions that you two aren't sleeping together. And I promise if you two do, it's not the first time I've heard Derek-"

"Okay, he'll stay," Derek cut in abruptly. Anything to get his brother to shut up.

Stiles' eyes widened at Derek's agreement. They weren't even dating much less sleeping together, now he was going to be staying the night?

Derek shot him a pleading look.

"If you're sure," Stiles gave a small forced smile, hoping the nerves he was feeling didn't show through.

"Great, we can do breakfast together in the morning. There's this little brunch place we love to visit," Benjamin clapped excitedly, taking his spot back on the couch.

Derek pulled Stiles further into the kitchen so that his brothers couldn't see them, "I'm so sorry. I just wanted him to stop talking. If you're uncomfortable then-"

"It's fine. Like he said, we're all adults here," Stiles cut in with a reassuring smile. He could handle sharing a bed with Derek for one night, right?

"You're literally the best fake boyfriend ever," Derek breathed out a laugh.

This earned a genuine smile from Stiles.

"Also, if at any point you want to fake break up with me, I totally understand."

"Hey, I got us into this mess, I'm seeing it through," Stiles assured Derek who only nodded.

"Where's my coffee Derbear?" Dominic whined.

Stiles raised his brows as Derek grimaced. "Derbear?"

"My nickname as a kid. Don't you even think about it," Derek held up a warning finger.

Stiles laughed as he followed Derek into the living room.

"Sober up, we're going to bed," Derek growled at his brother as he handed over the coffee's.

Before the pair could respond, Derek had grabbed Stiles by his wrist and pulled him towards his bedroom.

Stiles' heart raced as Derek closed the door, leaning back against it.

"This is absurd. I'm literally letting my brother bully us into spending the night together," Derek sighed, his head lolling back against the door.

"Arguably this is my fault," Stiles bit his lower lip, that familiar guilt creeping back in.

"Are you kidding? Having you there tonight was such a stress relief. You managed to cut the critiquing of my life in half just by being there. If I'd know this, I would have gotten a fake boyfriend sooner."

"Why not get a real one?" Stiles shrugged.

"Don't you start too," Derek groaned.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. It's just...with the way you were talking I would have thought your last girlfriend was pretty recent, but Dominic said it's been several years," Stiles pointed out gently, hoping not to offend Derek.

"Honestly, I dated a bit when I first moved here but... I like being single. I like not having to worry about another person's expectations, ya know?"

Stiles nodded. He knew very well. He hated hearing it from Derek though. He'd really hoped to maybe be Derek's real boyfriend one day.

"So umm, I'll get you a pair of pants to change into," Derek pushed off the door then and to his dresser.

Stiles felt his phone buzz loudly in his pocket. He pulled it out to see who could be calling him at almost three in the morning.

Derek turned to see Stiles' face pale as he stared down at his phone. "Is everything okay?"

Stiles looked up, "Huh?"

"Do you need to answer that?" Derek nodded at the still ringing phone.

Stiles swallowed, shaking his head. He rejected the call and shoved the phone back into his pocket. "Thanks," he grabbed the pants from Derek and headed for the bathroom leaving Derek frowning after him.

Just a small update for ya! Enjoy!

I Would Fake Forever With You(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now