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Stiles pressed in close to Derek's side as he knocked on the front door of his family's rented house. Well more like a small mansion. How they managed to afford something like this for two weeks, Stiles would never understand.

Derek slid an arm around Stiles waist, giving him a reassuring squeeze. Stiles had claimed to be able to handle Derek's family, but said nothing about being nerve free. And Derek would be lying if he said having Stiles pressed to his side wasn't a comfort for him as well.

"Derek," A man too old to be a brother answered the door.

Derek smiled as he was pulled into a hug, his arm falling away from Stiles. "Hey, Uncle Peter."

"You must be Stiles," Peter stuck a hand out, "I'm Peter."

"Nice to meet you," Stiles took Peter's hand.

"This is the best looking one you've brought home yet," Peter grinned; his eyes raking over Stiles briefly before giving him a wink.

Stiles tried to hide the blush that reached his cheeks.

"Well come on, your mother's been waiting," Peter gestured the pair inside.

The large house was simplistic in design but beautiful all the same. A large staircase lead to a balcony that overlooked the foyer. The hall stretched on either side. One leading to a living room the size of Stiles' childhood house. The other side was a dining room with a table big enough for an army. Which if he thought about it, Derek's family was basically a small army.

"Derek," A beautiful girl with cascading brown locks reached the top of the stairs. She was far too young to be Derek's mother.

"Hey," Derek allowed himself to be swept up into another large hug.

"Stiles, it's so good to officially meet you, sorry about yesterday, we were just a bit surprised. I'm Laura," She pulled Stiles into an unexpected hug.

When she pulled away, he couldn't help but noticed the way her eyes raked over him in a slightly judgmental way. He braced for a snide comment, but none came.

"Come on, mom's in the kitchen," Laura gestured for Stiles and Derek to follow her.

"Guess who's here," She announced as they entered a kitchen that had no right being the size it was. There were three ovens, two refrigerators, two dishwashers and two sinks.

"Derek, glad to see you could join us," A woman that had to be Derek's mother met him with a sharp smile. She was chopping vegetables at the large island that sat in the middle.

"I wasn't expecting you in so soon," Derek gave his mother a tense hug.

"Well if you ever answered your phone, you would have," She chided, before turning to Stiles. "This young man must be the one we met yesterday."

Derek had to keep from rolling his eyes. "Mom, Stiles. Stiles, this is my mother."

"Mrs. Hale, it's nice to finally meet you," Stiles gave a small nod of his head.

"Likewise, I'm sure," Her eyes slipped over Stiles in the way Peter and Laura's had before landing back on Derek. "Didn't your brother tell you this was a nice dinner?" She glanced at Stiles clothes again briefly.

"Every dinner with you is nice, mom," Derek rolled his eyes.

"Sebastian, acknowledge your son," Talia hissed as she turned back to the vegetables.

"Which one?" Sebastian asked, his eyes not leaving his laptop.

Stiles noticed Derek roll his eyes.


"Hey, son," Sebastian nodded, again his eyes not leaving the computer.

"The boy we caught in Derek's house is here," Talia cleared her throat as if to get her husband's attention.

This seemed to jostle him from his trance.

"That skinny kid?" Sebastian looked up at Talia before his eyes skittered towards Derek and Stiles.

"Dad, this is Stiles," Derek stepped towards the small table his father was sitting at, gently leading Stiles by the small of his back. His tone was tight.

When Sebastian stood, Stiles was pretty sure all the blood drained from his face. This man was a mountain. His eyes swept over the large man in front of him as he did a brief assessment.

Six four, would probably be six five if he didn't slump over a computer as much as he clearly did. In need of a good night's sleep and maybe a vacation. Takes life too seriously. Can probably smell fear a mile away.

"Stiles," Sebastian stuck his hand out just as Peter had.

Stiles had dealt with men like this, but not men that were meant to be his boyfriend's dad. Theo's dad had been a fun and easy person to like.

"Sir," Stiles took his hand, making sure to grip tight and praying that this man couldn't smell his fear.

"Quite a handshake you got there," Sebastian raised a brow. "What do you do for work?"

"Dad," Derek huffed in annoyance.

"I'm a criminal profiler," Stiles refused to feel bad about what he did. It was an important job and he was proud of it.

"That's no easy job," Sebastian said, not giving any clue as to how he felt about it in his tone.

"No sir, but if I don't do it, who will?" That had always been what his dad said when Stiles was younger and he had to rush off to work and worry Stiles to death.

Sebastian nodded before reclaiming his seat, easing some of Stiles' nerves. That was a clear sign he was done trying to be intimidating.

"Sounds like you could teach Derek a few things," Sebastian said, turning back to his laptop.

Derek's shoulder's tensed next to Stiles.

"Everyone else is out back," Laura stepped in then. She must have been able to read Derek's body language as well as Stiles could.

Derek's arm snaked back around Stiles' waist as he led them towards the back door.

"You two are cute together. I always thought Derek would end up with someone as simple as you," Laura smiled.

Stiles tried not to let the comment bother him but for some reason it stung. Was he simple? Simple meant boring, right? Is that why he had such bad luck with relationships? He'd become predictable? Is that why Theo left? Maybe he was always predictable, boring, simple. 

And so the introductions have begun. Be warned, it gets worse before it gets better. Poor Stiles is in for it.

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