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Stiles fought back tears as he drove towards his apartments. Why was this happening to him? How had he gotten himself into this mess? Theo wasn't supposed to be a problem anymore. Why was he reaching out again? He refused to even consider talking to him, that would only result in reopening a wound he was trying very hard to close.

Then there was Derek. Stiles hadn't intended to fall for the guy. Stiles made friends easily, it was just part of his personality. He'd always been that way, so when Derek invited him over, sure Stiles could dream that his hot neighbor was trying to date him but that was never supposed to be true. And it hadn't been. Just friends. Until Stiles had to go and do something so stupid. He never imagined that agreeing to help Derek would turn out like this. He was falling for someone who made it very clear that he didn't want to fall for Stiles.

A sudden sharp turn took Stiles from the road that lead to his apartment to the road that lead to Scott's work. He needed his best friend. He just didn't know what Scott would say when he told him how he'd royally fucked up.


Derek stopped short when he stepped into the hall to see a man at Stiles' door. He recognized him, but he couldn't be sure how. He tried to recall the pictures he's seen in Stiles' apartment. Perhaps this was Scott?

"Hey, if you're looking for Stiles, he left about an hour ago," Derek offered. This couldn't be Scott. Scott had darker hair.

"Oh, do you know when he'll be back?" The man asked with a frown.

"I don't," Derek gave a sympathetic shrug.

"Right, thanks anyway."

"Uncle Derek, can we take the stairs, I wanna see how fast it takes me to get to the bottom," Andrew asked, bouncing out of the apartment with the other three kids behind him.

"Sure," Derek winked, his attention being pulled from the man at Stiles' door.

He let the kids pull him towards the door for the stairs while the cinnamon haired man made his way to the elevator. Derek would have to let Stiles know someone was looking for him. Maybe it was Scott and he was just misremembering.


"Dude, you're dating your hot neighbor?" Scott grinned at his best friends excitedly.

"Fake dating. Weren't you listening?" Stiles huffed.

"Same difference."

"No, not same difference. He's not into me like that."

"But you're into him?" Scott peered up from where he was looking through his microscope.

"Yeah, it's a problem," Stiles sighed in shame.

"I don't think that's a problem. It means you're getting over Theo," Scott pulled out a bottle of pills and started to count them out.

"Who is calling me by the way."

"Yeah, he called me the other day asking about you. Apparently, you won't answer your phone."

Stiles let out a groan, "And you didn't tell me?"

"Why? You knew what he wanted, no sense it bringing it up," Scott shrugged as he slid his chair towards his computer.

"Lydia thinks I need closure."

"And what do you think?"

"I think I got my closure when he walked out. What do you think?"

"I think you need to date this neighbor of yours for real."

"If only," Stiles sighed. "He doesn't deserve my emotional baggage though."

"Sounds like he has some too," Scott turned to his best friend.

"It's different."

"It's really not," Scott opened the door and called out for his assistant.

"Yes Dr? Hi Stiles," Heather smiled at Stiles upon entering the room.

"Can you give this to Mrs. Donavan. Tell her one pill a day for seven days. If the diarrhea persists, we'll see about putting Bastien on a special diet," Scott held out the bottle he'd put together.

"Yes sir," Heather nodded, her eyes darting to Stiles once again.

"If all else fails, Heather still has it bad for you," Scott teased, giving Stiles' shoulder a gentle squeeze once Heather left the room.

"Gee thanks," Stiles rolled his eyes.

At that moment his phone pinged with a text message.

"Ooh, is it him?" Scott peered over at the phone.

"Yeah, his brother's want to go out for drinks tonight," Stiles couldn't help the smile on his face.

"You are smitten," Scott laughed, noticing the way his best friend smiled down at the phone.

"He's so different from Theo, ya know? It's refreshing."

"Tell me again, why you aren't dating him for real?"

"He specifically told me he likes being single and that he doesn't want to date me," Stiles tried to push down the disappointment at that reminder.

"Get him in the sack, that'll change his mind," Scott winked.

"God, I wish," Stiles laughed. His smile instantly faded into a frown as he looked down at his phone once again.

"What's wrong?" Scott knew that look.

"He said that he was pretty sure you just stopped by my place."

Scott paled slightly, "Theo."

"Son of a bitch. He stopped by the office earlier too. What is his deal?" Stiles ran a hand through his hair, tugging gently on the short strands.

"Maybe you should talk to him. It doesn't look like he's gonna give up any time soon," Scott gave an unsure shrug.

Stiles only gave him an incredulous look in return.

"Do you know what he wants?"

"No, he's only left one voicemail and it just said he wanted to talk."

Scott pulled a wipe from a jar and started to wipe the microscope down, "Maybe don't see him. Maybe just talk on the phone? That wouldn't be so bad, right?" Scott offered with a shrug.

Stiles pinched the bridge of his nose. He was so ready to be done with Theo, why couldn't he just leave him alone?

"Why don't we meet for lunch? We can talk more about it then," Scott offered. "My next patient just arrived."

"No, it's fine. I'll call you later. I've got to get a head start on tomorrow's lesson plan. Jeremy is teaching in my stead, I told him I'd have it to him by morning, and my night just got busy," Stiles shook his head, shoving his phone back into his pocket. "Thanks, Scotty," he waved as Heather entered the front with a cat in her arms.

Stiles slipped out the back and towards his car, not feeling any better than he had before. In fact, he felt worse, but that wasn't Scott's fault. It was Theo's. He wasn't giving up on trying to talk to Stiles. Maybe he could convince him to hold off, just until this thing with Derek was over.

Just the idea of contacting Theo made his stomach twist with nausea. He would have to warm up to the idea first. Maybe tomorrow.

Bit of a filler chapter. Next chapter is gonna be fun.😊

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