A crate of wine

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Derek wiped the sweat from his forehead as he waited for the elevator to reach his floor. His morning run had been interrupted by surprise rain showers. It was one of the things about Seattle that he was sure he'd never get used to. L.A, where he'd grown up, was known for it's unrelenting sun. He'd only lived in Seattle for three years but he much preferred it to the busy streets of Cali.

The soft ding of the elevator pulled him from his thoughts.

He went to step out and almost ran straight into one of his neighbors.

"Oh, Stiles, sorry," Derek apologized, flashing a wide smile.

"Hale, hey, I don't normally see you this early," Stiles frowned, glancing at his watch.

"Rain interrupted my morning run," Derek gestured over his shoulder. He noted the brief case and the suit ensemble Stiles was sporting. "Where are you off to so early dressed like that?"

Stiles glanced down at himself, "Work. I have an early class."

Derek raised a curious brow. He didn't know much about Stiles as they'd only talked a handful of times, but he hadn't recalled Stiles mentioning his job at any point.

"I'm a professor at the FBI academy," Stiles explained, flailing his briefcase and coffee, almost spilling it in the process.

"Oh, what do you teach?" Derek had no idea Stiles was so interesting. He would have thought he did something with computers at first glance.

"Criminal profiling."

Derek's brows rose again, "Wow you're full of surprises."

Stiles gave a shy smirk.

"Well don't let me keep you," Derek stepped out of the way and gestured to the waiting elevator.

"What is it you do, that allows for six a.m. running?" Stiles asked as he pressed the elevator button.


Stiles grinned, "And you say I'm full of surprises."

"I guess for neighbors we don't really know a lot about each other, do we?" Derek hoped Stiles would see the opening and take it.

"We should remedy that," Stiles smiled.

Derek tried to hold back his eagerness as he asked, "I uh, I got a crate of wine in the mail, would you be interested in helping me drink it?"

"Do I want to know why you got a crate of wine in the mail?" Stiles laughed, stepping into the elevator backwards.

"Why don't you come by around seven and I'll tell you," Derek suggested, trying his best to remain nonchalant.

"Sounds like a plan," Stiles nodded just before the doors closed.

Derek could have jumped for joy. He had been wanting to get to know Stiles better. He tried to talk to him any time they ran into each other, which was surprisingly little considering they were next door neighbors.

When the elevator doors finally closed, Stiles slumped against the wall. He had managed to hold a conversation with his gorgeous neighbor without making a complete ass of himself. He deserved an award for that. Or at least a pastry from his favorite bakery. He glanced at his watch again. Scott would already be at the office, but maybe Lydia would be able to meet him.

Stiles pulled out his phone and dialed the red head's number, trying to keep from spilling his coffee, which was rapidly growing colder.

"Hey, Lyds, you busy? I have to tell you something, let's meet at Devereaux's."


"I'm telling you Erica, cooking a four course meal is too much," Derek huffed, catering his phone between his shoulder and cheek. "It's bad enough I'm serving him a six hundred dollar bottle of wine."

"Oh, Lasagna, great idea. Thanks. I'll call you later and let you know how it goes," Derek hung up the phone and tossed it on the counter, causing it to land at the feet of his cat.

"You don't think he's a vegetarian, do you?" Derek asked the long haired animal.

Cathedral only stared at Derek with his bright green eyes.

"You're right, it's best to play it safe," Derek nodded, before pulling out his cutting board.

"Should I make my spinach and feta lasagna, or should I keep it simple?" Derek once again asked the cat.

Cathedral only yawned.

"Right, simple, it's not a date. I shouldn't look like I put too much effort into it," Derek nodded as he pulled a knife from his rack.

"Just dinner with my incredibly gorgeous and adorable neighbor." Derek knew he was being dramatic, he had his family to blame for that. He could picture his mother leaning over his shoulder telling him to 'Be sure to mince the garlic. The Brunoise cut is too large. You want the lasagna to be good, don't you?'

He liked the brunoise cut, thank you very much. But would Stiles?

Derek shook his head, he was over thinking it again. Stiles was expecting a glass of wine and an odd story of how he came to acquire it. Derek just decided to 'throw in a lasagna last minute, you might as well eat'. Never mind he would spend all day perfecting the sauce. Stiles didn't need to know that.


"So wait, you have a date with your hot neighbor?" Lydia set her pastry down, this required her full attention.

"It's not a date. It's a glass of wine and getting to know each other," Stiles knew Lydia would call it a date and he could rationalize it when other people blew it out of proportion, but when he called it a date, he just got excited. But it isn't a date. But what if it is?

"He got a crate of wine in the mail, I'd say you'll be having more than a glass," Lydia smirked.

"What if it is a date, oh god, Lydia," Stiles set his own pastry down. He didn't actually think it was but what should he wear? What if he messed it up? What if Derek hates him?

"Hey, I know what you're thinking. You'll be fine. Leave work fifteen minutes early. That gives you time to shower, throw on some cologne, a nice shirt, but not a fancy one and a nice pair of jeans. It's not a date out to a restaurant. And like you said, it may just be neighbors getting to know each other. You're still fairly knew to the building.

"Six months," Stiles frowned. Did that still count as new?

"Just be yourself," Lydia reached for her pastry again.

"Don't say that. That's cliché and it's terrible advice. It took you three months to like me after we met," Stiles sneered at the red head.

"Actually, the verdict's still out on that one," She teased.

"Ha ha," Stiles rolled his eyes, but a smile pulled at his lips.

"Look, just don't talk too in depth about work and you won't scare him away. You're funny, you're good looking and you're smart. He'll love you, I promise," Lydia smiled sweetly. "It just may take three months."

Stiles threw a sugar packet at her, eliciting a yelp of disapproval.

"I should get going, but text me later, okay?" Lydia grabbed her purse and shoved the rest of her pastry in a bag.

"Okay, thank you," Stiles knew Lydia could help calm his nerves, and he was right.

"Kisses," She waved, before hurrying out the door.

Stiles gathered his own things and headed for work in the hopes that he would be able to focus on his lecture for the day. It would be impossible to teach if all he thought about was meeting Derek for wine. Though it might be more interesting than the lesson he had planned. 

I'm so nervous posting this, I don't know why...ugh, okay... I hope you like it. ❤

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