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Derek's hands clenched the steering wheel as he drove home. The two hours with his brothers and Peter had been exhausting despite the conversation turning to Isaac after the news about Dria had come up.

Stiles sat silently next to him and Derek could feel the tension, yet he didn't know why it was there.

"What's on your mind?" Derek asked finally, not able to take the silence a moment longer.

"What do you mean?" Stiles glanced at Derek.

"I haven't known you for very long but I can see when you've got something on your mind. Spill."

Stiles took a deep breath, "I don't want to analyze you or the situation too much. It's best I leave it unsaid."

Derek's grip tightened, "Is that what Theo would say?"

Stiles dropped his head as if in shame.

"Stiles, I don't want you to pretend to be someone else. If you have something to say, I want to hear it."

"I don't want to start a fight," Stiles' tone was quiet.

Derek reached a hand over, placing it in Stiles' for a moment. "I promise it takes a lot to get me riled up."

Stiles looked up at Derek. He knew that to be true. He honestly didn't even know how Derek kept it together most of the time.

"Okay, well for one, did you really have a thing for Ben?" Stiles knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from Derek.

Derek pulled his hand away, gripping the steering wheel once more. "I considered the idea of dating him for like a week. I brought him home to see what my family thought, because I was still desperate for their approval."

"But then he and Dominic hit it off," Stiles nodded in understanding.

"I knew that if he were the type of guy my brother would like, he wasn't for me. I love Ben, but he's just as high maintenance as my brother. It never would have worked."

"But Dom dated him knowing how you felt?"

"It was barely a crush. Ben didn't know and had mentioned liking Dom. I agreed to pass on his number. When I did, I gave Dom the okay. I would never stand between my brother and potential happiness."

"You're such a good guy," Stiles smiled fondly at Derek.

"What's two?"


"You said 'for one', so what's two?" Derek noticed the way Stiles straightened in his seat.

"Elijah is going to tell the rest of your family about Theo. He'll likely twist the story to be more dramatic than it was. I'm worried they'll find out it was fake."

"They won't find out," Derek shook his head. "Elijah doesn't know."

"Will they go digging?" Stiles wouldn't put it past Derek's family to do something like that.

"No. Where would they even start? And it's not like there's documentation of when we started dating for them to find."

Stiles nodded. He was just being paranoid.

"Don't worry, just a few more days of this and they leave again."

"Only staying for a week? I thought it was two?"

"Sometimes it is, thankfully this time it's being cut short. Hence their early arrival."

Stiles felt bad for Derek; family shouldn't make you miserable.


A knock at Stiles door pulled him from his computer where he was working on his next lesson plan. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was nearly two a.m. He and Derek had gotten home from the bar around midnight. Who would be here at this hour?

He opened his door and instantly regretted it.

"Please don't close the door," Liam pleaded, his eyes slightly bloodshot.

"What are you doing here? If you're looking for Theo, he's not here," Stiles grit out. He hadn't seen Liam since the wedding.

"No, I know. I'm here to see you," Liam stumbled forward slightly, catching himself on the door frame.

"Are you drunk?"

"I had a few. It was the only way I could face you," Liam shrugged.

Stiles' jaw clenched.

"I'm sorry. I know I ruined our friendship," Liam tried to stand upright but ended up slumping into the doorway again.

"You ruined more than our friendship," Stiles snapped. "You ruined my relationship."

"Did I really though?" Liam hiccupped.

Stiles stiffened.

"Look, I'm not here to pick a fight-"

"Then why are you here?" Stiles demanded.

"We broke up."

"So I gathered," Stiles growled.

"He told me it wasn't for you, but I know it was. He never really loved me. It was always you. I was just a good lay."

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Do you have a point?"

"I want to know if he came to you. I want to know if he left me for you?"

"Yes," Stiles normally wouldn't be so blunt, but he had no love for Liam. Not anymore.

"So now I know how you feel," Liam nodded, his face sullen.

Stiles fist clenched, "You have no idea how I feel. He left me at the altar, and you ran off with him. I'm sorry our honeymoon wasn't all it was cracked up to be."

"He never took off the ring you know."

Stiles knew what Liam was doing and it wasn't going to work.

"I don't care."

"Yes you do; because you still love him," Liam hiccupped again.

Stiles frowned. Normally his stomach would drop. The guilt would eat at him, but now...

"No, actually I don't. I thought I did. I wanted to, but I stopped loving him a long time ago."

"Denial," Liam nodded.

"Actually, I'm seeing someone else," Stiles had considered how soon after his wedding he had been able to move on, but it had been a long time since he and Theo had been in love. Being with Derek had shown him that. He had worried what people would say about him seeing someone else so soon, but now, he didn't care.

"Already?" Liam snorted. "Guess you weren't the saint you'd have everyone believe."

Stiles licked at his bottom lip. "I had my faults. I was wrong too, but I never once cheated on Theo, even when I knew he was with you."

"So who is he?" Liam slurred, his blood shot eyes narrowing at Stiles.

"None of your business. Can't risk you trying to take someone else from me," Stiles smirked. He knew that Derek would never do something like that but he couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a dig at Liam.

"Maybe if you were more appealing, they wouldn't fall into my bed," Liam snapped back, clearly not appreciating Stiles' comment.

Stiles scoffed a laugh, "You couldn't keep him a month."

"Oh honey, I had him long before then. Just before your one year actually."

Stiles couldn't help it. He lashed out, his fist connecting with Liam's jaw. He knew Liam and Theo had been sleeping together for a while but for Liam to be so smug about it, it pissed him off more.

"What the fuck," Liam swore, gripping the side of his face as he stumbled back.

Stiles slammed the door before clutching his hand. "Shit, that hurt," he whispered to himself. But it was so worth it. He only wished he'd done that to Theo earlier as well.

Hope you like it!

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