So... is this the part where I care?

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"What about angels?" I sang loudly

"That sucks" Louis said and I smirked

"Aww would you look at that?" I teased "you and my singing have something in common"

"I'm not gay" he argued

"And I'm not a lesbian" I said. I was hanging out with the lads and Robin at her flat "hey Zayn?"

"Yes?" He asked

"Can I see your cell?" I asked and he tensed up

"Why?" He asked

"Because those stupid people took mine and I've been using a spare" I started "I didn't put any games, now gimme"

"This time" he started "don't go through my pictures"

"OK" I said with a sly grin "I won't look through your personal porn collection of me"

He paled and the lads snickered

"Says Miss innocent" he shot back

"Oh sweetie" I smirked "you won't think that on our honeymoon when you don't get any"

"Oh trust me I will" he said and I shook my head

"Oh trust me" I said getting close to his face "you won't"

"Ohhh" Niall said "shots fired"

"Oh and Zayn" I said and he turned to me "you didn't think I was innocent when you had your d-"

"Shhh" he said wide eyed

"Oh I'm sorry" I said innocently "little o'l innocent me didn't mean to let the cat out of the bag. You know what they say... Curiosity killed the cat. In this situation it's literally"

Their mouths fell open

"Well damn" Liam said wide eyed

"Why does Zayn get everything that he wants?" Louis muttered making Robin smack him

"That's cause Zayn gets me" I said with a smug look "I told you. I'm not innocent"

"Yeah we heard your 'oh Zayn, don't stop" Harry said a little rudely

"Who pissed in your cereal?" I joked and he shot me a cold glare "gimme"

I took Zayn's cell and went straight to his pictures. Why does he have pictures of me asleep? Can you spell stalker?

"Oh my gosh" I said with a fake gasp "Zayn is that a picture of your d-"

"What?" He shouted snatching his cell back "Heaven"

"Calm down" I said and he pouted "it's just a joke"

"We all know you wanna see it" he whispered in my ear

"I already did" I whispered back

"What're they doing?" I heard Niall whisper to Liam

"Being weird" he whispered back

"No shit Li" Niall said and Liam smacked him

"Stay away from Harry" he said "you've turned pervy"

"Don't pretend like you don't want it" I teased "come on Robin, let's go for a swim"

She followed me to her room

"What're you doing?" She asked

"Messing with Zayn" I smirked

"Yeah no kidding" she said and I chuckled

"Not like that" I said "I never got my revenge on him for messing with me"

Zayn Malik? But do I care?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant