☁)What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger||Nightwing

Start from the beginning

He slightly scoffed as more words he would soon regret flooded out of his mouth, "This is mostly your fault anyway; if you had spent more time off your job, we could've worked something out."

"My fault?! You know how much this job means to me! I don't complain when you go off and fight cri--", you caught yourself, now glaring at him as if he were stupid; which he was at this moment, "You know what, I can't handle this right now. You wanna be with her fine. I won't repeat myself again; take your things and go.", you ordered firmly, jabbing your finger hard on his chest.

His eyes widened as he mentally replayed what he had just said, but knew it was too late to take it back. All he could do was pack his things and his pride out the door with his new girlfriend.

Closing the door behind him, you finally let out the held back tears and silently cried, not able to lean on his shoulder for comfort anymore. You couldn't believe this was happening right now. It felt like the feelings were killing you inside.


  Days later, you were lying on your bed, only you, drowning in a flood of salty tears. All over this boy, you were. You felt so terrible; maybe his cheating was partially because of you... but that wouldn't be fair to you.

You felt the anger bubble in your chest. You couldn't let his words get to you, you knew this wasn't your fault. No way you were listening to the selfish words of a bird-brain.

Yet at the same time, you had to admit you missed him. His scent. His smarts. His wit. Almost everything except his common sense.

Gosh, this was getting tiring.

The constant battle between anger with sarcasm and sadness with single feels, I mean. You were a strong, young, independent female character. You didn't need some man to make you feel better.

"You know what?!", you exclaimed with a huff, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and I don't need some stinkin' dirtbag taking up my brain space!"

Though there were still tears threatening to spill as you said those words as the sadness faded in again, "Why do I have to have feelings? I wish I were a rock. Rocks wouldn't need to deal with extreme romance drama that should only ever happen in cheesy teen fanfictions."

With a low groan, you smothered your face with a pillow while soaking it with your tears in the process, "I'll get over him.", you mentally reassured yourself, "Just think of the good things about being single."

"I get to treat myself for once instead of always worrying about someone else, putting them before myself."

"I can experiment with new things; there's more to life than just love."

"I can totally hog the bed all by myself now."

And you admit, that did make you feel a bit better. You felt much warmer inside than you did minutes before.

"You know, the bed feels warmer sleeping here alone.", you sighed to yourself, wiping away your drying tears.

"You know, I dream in color and do the things I want.", you slowly hummed, hoisting yourself up into a sitting position on your bed.

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