"Okay, my first baby mother is crazy and the second one is petty." " Imma tell the first one to stay in her lane and the second one just gonna have to be petty. I don't care about what anyone says or do. If you bout me then you'd know what you have to do." She says giving me a pointed look. "If you was mine I'd always be about you." "Acht acht all that stuff you did with Dinah I don't stick through. That playing with emotions stuff I don't like doing. I'll leave you if that's the case." She says with the same look on her face.
"Nah I ain't gonna do that to you DaniLeigh. I wasn't sure on who I wanted then. I'd rather take things slow with you and see where they go." She smiles at me and kisses my cheek. "I like that idea. Now what do I need to know about your kids?" She says with a giggle.
"Well Yonni's daughter, Nayeli, Cheylise, and Royalty are like best friends disputed the age gap between all of them. Cheylise got as much attitude as her mother. Lord that child is something else. Kalia is so independent despite being only 2 1/2 years old and is as sassy as Dinah. Kaleo is very smart for his age too. He just goes with the flow. Anyone can tell that he's Dinah's son. He's so carefree..."
(this part is triggering to domestic violence and child abuse. Don't read if you've been through either. I'll let you know when it stops)

Dinah POV

"Leave them alone Odell!!" I say as I block the twins from him as they cry. "They're just babies. They don't know any better. You're not going to put your hands on my kids anymore or ever again!" I yell at him as I get in his face. He reaches out and grabs me by neck and squeezes it as I wheeze for air. "Then tell your brats to leave my shit alone. Especially your son or else he gets the same ass whooping that he got the other day." He says through gritted teeth as he squeezes my throat tighter and then shoved me back into the kids making me fall on top of them. That only turns their cries into sobs.
" I wan mama!" Kalia cries out. "Shut up you little bitch. You're mama ain't coming to get your ass. I'm going to practice." Odell says as he grabs his practice bag and leaves out the door.

Trigger over

One year. One year I've been stuck in this relationship. One year since I've met him and I regret every bit of it. One year he's been putting his hands on me. One month he started putting his hands on the twins. Two years since I've walked away from Y/N. Two years since I've given up something bad for something even worse.
I met Odell at a club I went with the girls before we split. Which led to dates. Then to me showing up at his games. Then to him showing up at my shows. Then to him asking me to be his girl which led us to here. He wasn't always like this. The first three months he was so sweet. He took me on dates. We spent time together. He showed love to the kids. Then I don't know what happened. I don't want to blame myself for it but I think it was because of all the songs that I showed him. You could tell that they were about Y/N. You could hear that I wanted her back. You can tell that I still love her. And I guess that's what got to him. He probably believed that he could never get me to love him like I love her.
I regret it. I regret all of it. Every single minute of it. I wish I was back with her. I wish we was still together. I just wish she had gotten her shit together faster. Then I probably wouldn't be in this mess. But this my fault. I can't blame her for it.
I've tried to leave Odell. And every time I do I fail. I've tried to leave a total of five times and each one has been worse every time after the next. He beats me worse every single time. I try my best for him not to do it in front of my babies but he doesn't care. He's doesn't care for the twins at all. He only does good things with them when he knows I'm going to pick them up from Y/N's house.
It's getting harder and harder to cover the bruises he gives me because he harms the same spots every time. He's only ever hit the twins twice. The first time he threw Kaleo into the door to his room. And the second time he just pulled Kalia out the car after we picked the kids up from Y/N's because she was crying for her. He just throws them around like they're just dolls. I try to take the beatings that he wants to give them because I refuse to let him hurt them. I have bruises all over my neck and wrists and sides. The only thing I'm glad he hasn't done is tried to rape me.
It's not that I don't try to give people hints because I do. I give them to his parents every time I go over there but his mother doesn't believe me. I try and tell my parents but they never see that side of him. I've tried to tell Y/N one time but it was during the time she was mad at me for having him around the kids without her knowing.
The person I'm trying to get help from the most is Y/N because she's the only one I know that will really try and do something. Not saying my parents won't do anything because I know my dad and my uncle would. I just know Y/N would think smarter about it.

Ding Dong

I get up picking up the twins because of them not letting go of me and I head towards the door. I open the door to the best of my abilities coming face-to-face with Normani and Lauren smiling. Normani's smiles falls as she looks towards my neck. "Dinah what the hell did he do to you? Lauren look! I knew I wasn't imagining it. He's putting his hands on her!" I step aside rushing Lauren and Mani in the house.
"When did he start doing this Dinah?" Normani asks as her and Lauren sit on the couch. I lay the twins on the love seat since they fell asleep and sit on the recliner. "A year ago. I try to keep him from putting his hands on the kids." "What do you mean "try" Dinah? He's put his hands on the kids?" Lauren asks. I nod my head slowly and look down. "Twice. Once on each of them. Other than that I've been taking the beating for them."
Normani pulls her phone fast "I knew it! I'm calling Y/N. And she thought I was crazy." "NO! Normani don't!" "Dinah what do you mean no?! He's putting his hands on both of y'all kids. Do you not want him to get hurt for hurting the three of y'all!?!" "You think getting her your way is going to have a good outcome? That's just another beating for me! You think I'm not trying to leave? The five times I've tried each beating was worse than the last. I can't take it no more Mani! I can't. My kids can't keep seeing me like this Mani. I'm not as strong as I need to be for them." I say breaking down crying.
I feel two bodies wrapped around me and I cry harder if possible. "Dinah, we're going to help you get out of this. But I think it would be easier if you let them live with Y/N for now." "Lauren, no! I can't do that. I can't live without them." I say. "Dinah, I think Lolo is right. I know you want them to be safe, but they aren't safe here. Not until you end it with him. What if one day he beats all of you guys so bad that all of you guys end up in the hospital. How will you explain that to her?" Normani asks. "I don't know. I know it will break her and she will never trust me again."
A/N yeah I know it's been a month and some change but I'm still trying to figure out the plot of this story. I'm not trying to end this part do fast do I'm trying to drag it along the best way I know how. But a hint for the next chapter is that someone comes back 😊

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