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Thursday, October 31st

Hyunjin could feel the elder boy currently wrapped up in his arms trembling as they laid in silence, the music from the party downstairs cutting through their comfortable atmosphere and almost immediately causing Changbin to throw himself into the younger boys arms for comfort.

The brunette stroked the elders hair gently, trying to soothe him and distract him from the obvious distress he was in. He had no clue as to why music seemed to effect the raven haired boys mood so drastically, however he knew he was in no place to question it. What Changbin was going through at that moment was his business and his alone, unless he made it Hyunjins, and the younger knew that. Still, he couldn't help his ever growing curiosity.

"Do you want to do something?" Hyunjin finally broke their own little bubble of silence, feeling guilty that he had caused Changbin such distress by inviting him to his home. He was worried that the elder may never want to go to the house again, and quite frankly that made his heart begin to ache at the mere thought of it.

"We could sneak past everyone and go for a walk," the brunette continued, fingertips traveling beneath the fabric of Changbins hoodie as he drew soothing shapes on his skin.

Changbin seemed to pause, tilting his head up towards him ever so slightly so that they could make eye contact. After a moment of consideration, the raven haired boy sent him a short nod, the desperation evident in his eyes making the fact that he wanted to leave as clear as day to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin smiled, sitting up slowly so that he wouldn't accidentally knee the elder or something and hurt him.

Changbin stood up from his position on the bed, a grimace seeming to take over his face as soon as he was standing fully on the ground. Hyunjin made a mental note to provide the elder boy with ice later, hoping that it would at least provide him with some level of soothing from his obvious pain.

Hyunjin rose slowly from his bed, sliding his shoes on and glancing at the elder boy as he did the same.

"If my mom tries to talk to us just ignore her," Hyunjin stated, opening his bedroom door. Doing so allowed the music blasting from downstairs to fully fill the atmosphere, Changbin tending up immediately at this.

Taking notice of this, Hyunjin held his hand out towards him, smiling kindly at him. "Just hold my hand, I've got you."

The shorter seemed to hesitate, if only for a few short moments, before taking his offer gladly as they exited the room, Hyunjin shutting the door with a satisfying CLICK behind them.

Changbins grip seemed to tighten on Hyunjins hand, the elder moving so that he was pressed firmly against his side, almost like he was asking the brunet if he would protect him.

They maneuvered through several crowded areas of guests, Changbins anxiety only seeming to increase as they got closer and closer to the door.

Several guests greeted Hyunjin warmly, said boy only returning their gestures with slight nods of half-assed appreciation as they made it to the door unscathed, Changbin immediately grabbing his skateboard from where it sat and hugging it to his chest securely.

Hyunjin pushed the door open, the chilled air that the slowly dimming day provided embracing both boys comfortably as the taller shut the door behind them.

Changbin hopped onto his skateboard, mood seeming to have been lifted a great deal already just by exiting the party's loud atmosphere and escaping into the fresh air.

"I could never skate," Hyunjin commented, watching as Changbin simply cruised along on the board like floating was second nature to him. "I'd fall immediately."

The raven haired boy broke out into a slight smile, shrugging his shoulders in response. Hyunjin decided that genuine happiness looked much better on the boy, and made sure to remind himself to make Changbin smile much more often.

Changbin stopped where he was in the street, pulling out his phone and beginning to type.

'i want to teach you and felix how to skate one day.' he had typed, Hyunjin finding himself in laughter at the message.

"Well, be prepared to be disappointed in the both of us, then," he stated, Changbin rolling his eyes at those words.

The raven haired boy began to push against the blacktop road quicker, gradually building up speed and moving away from the brunet who was still caught behind him.

"Hey— that's not fair—!!" Hyunjin shouted as he began to run towards the elder, who's face was scrunched up into a genuine smile, shoulders shaking with a laughter that would never truly meet the air.

A part of Hyunjin hoped that he'd be lucky enough to witness the melodies that Changbin had to offer the world.

Changbin finally slowed down once they reached the park, hopping off his board and walking towards the swings like he was on a mission. The elder sat down, before looking at Hyunjin and give a pointed look towards the swing next to him, almost like he was saying "well? are you gonna sit?"

Hyunjin found himself smiling yet again, taking a seat on the swing beside him and watching as the shorter began to move his swing back and forth, yawning sleepily.

"We can nap once we get back to my house," Hyunjin hummed, looking towards the sunset on the horizon line. "That is.. if you can sleep over."

Changbin seemed hesitant, a hand subconsciously raising up towards the purple and black painted around his eye. Hyunjin watched with a lump beginning to form in his throat.

With each giving moment he spent with the elder boy, more and more dots began to connect towards his theory as to what had happened to the boy. He only hoped that he wasn't too late, and that the boy he cared for so much wasn't too far gone already.

He knew he couldn't save everybody, but not everybody was Seo Changbin.

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