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Friday, October 25th

Hyunjin didn't know how to feel.

The elder, yet much tinier raven haired boy was fast asleep in his arms, and quite frankly he thought it was the most adorable thing he had ever witnessed.

He knew he had feelings for Felix, and the kiss that they had shared with one another had only put more emphasis onto that point for him. He was, however, still a bit iffy about putting a label on it, but he was hoping that he would be able to get his shit together and do it anyway.

Time would only tell, he assumed.

"Boys! Come down for dinner!"

The call to dinner from Felix's mother cut through the comfortable hum of music that filled the ginger boys bedroom, the music on a rather low setting so it wouldn't disturb Changbins sleep.

"Should we wake him?" Felix questioned, lips forming into a pout as he looked at his friend.

It was no secret that Changbin didn't get enough sleep. It was evident in the way he looked at everyone through half lidded eyes, rings of purple and black lining his under eyes. Neither of the younger boys were too fond of the idea of waking him up from his obviously much-needed slumber.

His mother called them down yet again, and Hyunjin sighed slightly as he knew that it would be rude to refuse the dinner that Felix's mother had prepared for all of them. Although his parents were absolute assholes, they did teach their son manners as a child.

Running a frustrated hand through his hair, Hyunjin gently shook the elder boy, who let out a very soft whine of protest, the very first sound that both he and Felix had ever heard emitted from him.

"We have to go eat dinner," Hyunjin mumbled, feeling worse by the minute as Changbin forced his eyes open slowly, like it was the last thing he wanted to do.

"We can watch a bunch of movies and stuff!" Felix added, trying to coax the boy out of the comfort of Hyunjins arms.

Changbin took a moment to wake up, before his face morphed into a pained one. He pointed to Felix's record player, making a disgusted face at the device.

"You don't like the music?" the ginger frowned, moving to turn off the music completely.

Changbin shook his head slowly, Felix and Hyunjin sharing a look of confusion.

They both understood, of course, because they didn't know what was going on in Changbins head at any time.

"Are you hungry?" Hyunjin changed the subject, receiving a small nod from the elder boy.

After allowing the raven haired boy to wake up a bit more than he was, the three made their way down the stairs and to the kitchen, where Felix's family was already seated at the table.

"What were you guys doing up there?" Yunha smiled upon seeing the group stumble into the kitchen. "Sleeping?"

"This one was," Felix laughed, pointing towards Changbin, who looked like he was about ready to crash already.

They all took their respective seats at the table, Changbin seeming to snap more into reality as he realized how much food was presented before them.

Something in Hyunjins heart seemed to twist upon seeing the elders reaction. How deprived did he have to be of a home cooked meal that he was that surprised and excited about it?

"Thank you," Hyunjin made sure to thank Felix's mother, who smiled in response.

"No need to thank me, Hyunjin. Any friend of my son is my son too."

Changbin looked between the table, signing something while also mouthing a thank you. That also marked the first time that any of them had seen the raven haired boy even mimic speaking. Hyunjin assumed it must've been because he felt more comfortable in the comfort of Felix's home than he did at school.

"Dig in as much as you'd like. Don't be shy to grab seconds."

Hyunjin scooped a generous amount of each food offered onto his plate, excited to be eating something made from a mother's love rather than by a bunch of cooks in a kitchen that did it just because it was their source of income.

Hyunjin eyed Changbin from the corner of his eye, watching as the raven haired boy hesitantly took his utensils and took a small amount of the food and put it onto his plate. He made a mental note to make sure that the elder consumed more than what he had taken so far.

Felix's mom began conversing with Hyunjin, asking him questions about school and life in general so that they could get to know one another better.

"You're a sophomore, right?" she questioned after she finished scolding Olivia for chewing with her mouth open.

Hyunjin nodded a bit in response, not wanting to be rude by responding with food in his mouth. He may have unclaimed his family months ago, however he would never be able to erase the attributes that he gained while growing among them. Besides, it was just common sense to be respectful.

Noticing that Changbin had cleared his plate already, Hyunjin gently tapped his shoulder.

"You done already?" he frowned, being met with a simple nod in response.

"You don't have to feel shy, Changbin. You can have as much as you'd like," Yunha reassured the boy, having caught onto the conversation.

"You're family now."

. . .

The boys had finally decided to crash on Felix's bed, gathered together in a tight pack on the mattress. A movie played on the ginger boys computer, and Hyunjin spared Changbin a glance to make sure he was feeling okay squished between himself and Felix.

"I like this," Felix spoke out of nowhere, turning the volume of the movie down slightly so they could make conversation.

Hyunjin averted his attention towards the younger, whose face was illuminated dimly by the light of his laptop.

"What?" he questioned, shifting onto his side to face him better.

Changbin seemed to ignore their conversation, eyes glued onto the movie emotionlessly. Hyunjin couldn't tell if he was zoned out or just very invested in the movie.

"Us, all hanging out together," the ginger explained, looking up at his ceiling in thought. "I haven't had a sleepover with anyone since elementary school. I forgot how nice it is."

Changbin finally looked up, pulling his phone from his pocket to type out something. Hyunjin and Felix watched in a curious silence, before turning their heads to look at what was written.

'i've never had a sleepover before. my dad doesn't let me out of the house much.'

"Well then it's a good thing he let you come here then, right?" Felix giggled, receiving a slight nod from the raven haired boy.

'you guys make me feel ... fuzzy.'

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