A damsel in distress pt.2

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Elliot approached the king's private study which was upstairs in the castle. He entered through a door which his servant held open for him. Coming into the room which was dimly lit by a few slightly drawn windows. Within was a few chairs which were already occupied by his father, William, and the other king's. So the young man stood off to the side listening in on them.

His father gave him a slight nod from his seat and continued what he was saying just before his son arrived. "As far as your father's burial goes, he is to be put in the same plot as your mother." King Spencer told William. "Unless of course you see to it that he should be put elsewhere."

William shook his head and the king continued.

"Now, as far as who should be put in charge of Harlem. There are no living relatives of your father or mother. And seeing as you have no siblings, you are the sole heir. And you must take that place immediately."

"Harlem is at it's most vulnerable state without a leader." One of the rulers chimed in.

"Yes, so anytime within the next coming days would be ideal in hosting your enthronement." King Spencer retorted.

"Let us know now if you feel too overwhelmed by all this. It'd be understandable if you chose to wait longer." Andrew's father added.

William appeared to take a second to think and then spoke. "No, I want to be sworn in as soon as possible. I want to continue leading Harlem just as my father has. I'm eager to prove myself worthy of running Harlem, of upholding my father's legacy."

"That attitude is admirable, William." King Spencer said truthfully.

"Most admirable." The king of Zamor commented after staying quiet for some time.

"I don't know how you could do it alone, son. I know when I had to take charge after my father, I was a wreck." Ezra's father lightheartedly said with a small laugh.

"He was, I remember." Gossamer's dad quipped, sitting back in his seat and crossing his arms.

William smiled politely. "Well, actually I've had somebody standing behind though all this. And trust me, they've made this whole ordeal feel like I'm walking on air."

At this the young man by the door quickly tuned in. Watching as everyone at the table grew curious to William's remark.

"Ahh, really? Is she someone we know?" Gossamer's father asked with close attention.

"Gilbert, you can't assume it's a woman. It could be anyone." Andrew's father replied to the old king.

"It is a girl actually." Said the white haired young man.

The king's all murmured lightly, half surprised but mainly happy for the young man. None of them had even knew he was seeing anyone. Naturally they were all curious as to who this girl was and why they hadn't seen her yet.

"She's the most wonderful thing in my life as of now..." William went on with a whimsical sigh. "I want to marry her."

"Marriage?" One of them questioned, visually interested.

"I hadn't even heard from your father that you were seeing anyone." King Spencer said hoping to coax more info from the young boy to possibly find out who the mystery girl was.

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