Happiness and honesty

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The scenic view from the carriage almost fully drowned out the unbearably awkward silence between (Y/n) and the Prince.

The female sat as faraway as she could from William, her workers uniform folded neatly on her lap. Her hands clamped together on top of it.

William cleared his throat.

"About your long story," He began, facing the young woman. "Would you feel comfortable telling me it?"

"Oh... Right."

(Y/n) sighed and looked over at the handsome male. "My family's not the most financially stable one in Harlem, as you could probably tell."

William smirked softly at her lighthearted attempt at a joke.

"When my sister and I reached the age 16 we had to drop out of school and get jobs, to help pay bills and stuff." The girl paused, readjusting how she sat. "I have the highest paying job out of all of us. I'm sure you would know how stressful it is to have so much depending on you..." The girl's eyes flicked towards the prince. William had a thoughtful look in his eyes. "If I were to lose my job there's no way my family would be able to keep our house. Which is why I didn't want to tell them I lost my job... I just knew it would devastate my father. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I saw his disappointed look."

The girl finished her story. Which wasn't as long as she initially expected it to be. After William took it all in he nodded.

"So you'd rather lie... than be honest?" He said with a confused expression.

"Oh, no! Is that what it came off like?"

William shrugged and silently agreed.

(Y/n) held her head with her hands. "No, it's..." She stopped and thought. "If... if lying is the one way to keep someone happy. Then I'd rather them be happy."

"By lying?"

(Y/n) gave a vexed glare toward the male, forgetting he was royalty for a moment.

"Do you like to be sad, William?"

The prince cocked his head slightly to one side. "Well, no. I don't think anybody does."

"Okay then." The female put firmly crossing her arms. "I will do everything in my power to make you happy. Whatever that may be, honesty, lies. Because happiness is like a ray of sunshine in a dark room where you want nothing more than to see the light." The girl quoted.

You. The word lingered in William's mind. "Me?..." He inquired.

(Y/n) turned to him. The girl was speaking generally, not truly directing her statement at anyone in particular and certainly not the prince, that's what she was preparing to say. But she saw something peculiar in the young man's blue eyes. A glint of joy without a smile.

He was happy to hear those words being said to him. And if he was happy, then so was she.

"Yes. Even you, your highness."

The carriage pulled into an arched driveway in front of the large castle. (Y/n) had never been to the front of the building before, and she was stunned at how grand it was!

She looked out to the large glossed over wooden doors surrounded by pillars of stone with intricate details carved all up and down them. There was was marvelous green foliage surrounding a fountain in the middle of the arched driveway. In the middle of the fountain was a romantic statue of a man and a woman, the man kissing and hugging onto woman's arms and body as if she'd escape if he let go.

"Wow..." The (h/c) haired girl sighed as the carriage finally halted.

Two coachmen came to either side of the carriage and opened the door's for the prince and (Y/n).

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