To sing and dance

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Gossamer was unable to sleep. He'd been wandering the castle halls for hours. Going over so many things in his head. He thought about (Y/n) quite a few times while doing so.

It actually annoyed him how much he thought about her. She was like a disease eating away at his brain. The boy's face scrunched tightly, and he couldn't resist rubbing his temples to ease the headache she brought him.

'Why her?...' He thought gloomily. For along with the headaches she brought him a sensation of joy he never knew he could feel. He enjoyed and despised her at the same exact time. And this internal conflict over whether to hate her or admit his love for her is what caused him such pain.

He shut his eyes as he felt another sharp pain in his head. He turned blindly into a room, thinking that walking would distract him from his thoughts. Unfortunately, it only made them worse.

He was in the ballroom of the castle. One entrance across the room from the one he just entered. Each corner of the room filled with cobwebs. Just slowly trickling from a crystal chandelier which hung from the ceiling. The floor scuffed and cracked with large chunks of flooring missing in some places. Obvious signs that the space hadn't been used or properly taken care of for some years.

Gossamer looked down and kicked up some dust with his foot. The nasty specks floating up then falling down onto his previously polished shoe. He made a disgusted face upon realizing how dirty the room really was. Snarling his lip a bit and giving an inaudible groan. "Repulsive..."

His head snapped up when there were footsteps from the opposite entryway.

The female who boldly intruded his thoughts now interrupted his alone time. And while he was enthralled to see her, these are the words that came out his mouth: "Castle maid. Excuse me, you seemed to have missed a spot."

The young woman looked in his direction and gave him a sarcastic smile. Entering the room and proceeding towards the boy while he continued to mock her. After her strange encounter with Andrew she parted ways with Asha. Wanting to go to bed with the knowledge that tomorrow they'd all head back to Harlem and this trip would finally be over.

The long haired male looked up at the chandelier above him and held an arm up to motion about the condition of the room. "Don't take this lightly at all. I do believe you may be the worst cleaner I've ever seen. This place is so-"

"Ha, ha, Gossamer." She cut him off sardonically, once she reached the proper distance for them to have a conversation.

He had a boyish smirk as she addressed him. He liked how she said his name. "What brings you here, anyways? Shouldn't you be asleep or cleaning the soles of William's shoes with your bare hands, perhaps?"

She placed both hands on her hips. Not taking his teasing seriously. "I'll have you know that I'm lost. And if I wasn't, I can tell you, you're the last person I'd want to come across." It was true that the girl had gotten lost. From the outside, one wouldn't think the inside of the castle would be so big. With its many hallways and rooms and not a lot of people inhabiting the space one could lose themselves without trying to.

Gossamer dropped his smirk and gave her a narrow eyed look. Seeing if maybe he could get a frightful response from her. Not liking how comfortable she'd grown to be around him.

As the grim silence settled in (Y/n) mimicked his narrow eyed look, only with a jesting smile instead of a frown. Poking fun at how he was trying the scare her, but the girl knew so much more about him now that she couldn't possibly be scared anymore. In other words, she saw what was beneath his brutish exterior. A hot-headed boy with a penchant for reading and somewhat of a soft spot for his little brother.

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