Lack of interest

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Emille and (Y/n) stepped into the backyard by themselves. Both of them enjoying the beautiful breeze of today, which the female surely would have missed out on had it not been for him. She thought she needed to be alone, to process all she'd been through... But all she really needed was someone to talk to. Someone who actually listened.

(Y/n) rested her head on his shoulder and linked their arms, both of them looking off into the distance. He missed her company. Despite the failed attempt at a romantic relationship, the pair still had an amazing friendship.

(Y/n) went to sit on the ground. She hadn't yet changed out of the dress from last night so it sprawled all around her as she sat, the dark haired boy eventually following suit. The two of just enjoying being alone.

She sighed and shut her eyes, her hand on his. "...You know I never really stop to do this. Just sit and be. I'm always moving around."

"That's usually how life is." Emille had his legs out in front of them, crossed at his ankles with his arms on the grass supporting him. He tilted his head to one side. "It goes by so fast, you have to take some time out to enjoy it... otherwise it'll pass you by, not even sparing a glance."

(Y/n) found comfort in the way he spoke. She nestled her head on him, moving her body closer. The boy saw this and seemed to shift the opposite way, but she didn't notice. She only smiled.

Her head lifted and she looked to him. "How have you been? You've been so worried about me I never bothered to ask about you."

Emille raised his brows a bit. "Me? I'm..." He examined closely the features on her face. When he saw the redness beneath her eyes. He was reminded of the night he was left waiting at her front door. The way she cried when he'd gone. He'd wished things had gone differently that night, maybe then he'd be able to do more for her. More than a friend should. He smiled softly. "I'm great."

(Y/n) nodded. "And your family? How about your mother?"

Emille's mood changed at that. He loved talking about his family. The boy smiled and gave a light laugh. "Oh, wow. She couldn't be better. You should see how she is with her vegetables, she's so happy that things are finally growing. She treats the plants like babies, cooing and petting them." The young man's mother runs a vegetable stand in town. He made funny movements, mimicking his mother as he spoke. The girl laughed at him.

He went on talking, telling about his younger sister and brothers, how great they were doing in school. So on and so forth. He was so happy, so adorable the way he laughed.

(Y/n)'s expression fell somewhat solemn. Her eyes flicked to his lips as he spoke.

Emille's talking eventually slowed and he noticed a change in the mood surrounding them. He watched as the girl began to move in closer. "(Y/n)?" He saw what she was doing as soon as her body moved closer. He tensed as her hand touched his face softly. She moved his head, bringing his lips to meet her own and just before making contact... she was pulled into a deep hug.

Emille hadn't allowed for her to kiss him. Instead he held her close, rejecting her advance. His eyes were shut while she was sat still in his arms, confused. He didn't let her go though, instead prolonging the hug that would be their last for a while.

The girl's mouth hung agape, her surprise finally clearing enough so she could say something. "I-... Emille, why-"

"(Y/n) I don't want you to think you need somebody." He cut in, moving his head on her shoulder. "You're going through so much right now... I may not know what it is but I can tell it's something you need to get through for yourself." He pulled away, resting his hands on her shoulders. His face had a light blush on it. "This doesn't mean that I want you any less, (Y/n)... I'm still your friend, I care so much about you and I'm going to be here whenever you need me. But, I want you to love yourself before you think about giving it to another person..." He heard himself and wasn't completely sure of what he was saying. What was he saying? "Do... Do you understand, am I making any sense?"

The girl watched him a while then slowly nodded. She understood perfectly well. Emille had been there to pick her up when she was broken, and she was willing to jump at the first chance to forget. Even if that meant being with him. "I understand."

Emille smiled. "Believe me. I've wanted nothing more than to do that with you." She smiled, her cheeks growing faintly red. The boy stood up, helping her to her feet as well. They were hand in hand facing each other. He felt another hug was called for, but that was a different part of him thinking. The boy knew to give her space for now. "...I should go. Technically my shift with your father ended yesterday." She laughed, though somewhat sad, still genuine enough to come off as happy.

They went back inside. Her mother and father were in the kitchen cleaning and Leía was on the sofa with a book. She peered over the top of it when the pair stepped in. They said their goodbyes, giving each other awkward looks as they silently shook hands. Emille gave a parting wave to her mother and father as he headed towards the door and bid farewell to Leía before exiting.

Outside the (L/n) residence, Emille put both hands in his pockets as he went down the small set of stairs and made his way down the side of the dirt road. His head was tilted upwards, constantly looking at the sky as he always did. He was quite an aloof young man.

Yet despite his lack of paying attention, a creeping sensation made it's way up his spine. The feeling of being watched growing by the minute, increasing his need to turn around. But he ignored it and only hastened his walking...

Far down the road in the opposite direction, there was a carriage, almost completely hidden by the amount of dead shrubbery around it. In control of this vehicle was a male. Sadly, who's feelings had gotten the best of him.

Dressed in bland clothes that wouldn't indicate who he was, he sat in the coachman seat, the horse reigns resting in his lap.

His mind fogged with all sorts of twisted thoughts. Awful thoughts, and there he was with such an unsettlingly calm look. As if the sins clouding his head didn't bother him at all. He watched with darkened eyes as the man he'd saw once before carried down the road and over the horizon out of sight. He waited a few more minutes, knowing exactly what he was doing.

This hadn't been his plan.

He'd planned to come here and swoop (Y/n) off her feet. Begging her forgiveness and ultimately asking her to come work for him. Brilliant, right? Almost surprising seeing as this was coming from Ezra.

Immediately the reigns whipped and the horse began a slow trot down the stretch of road. The blond snapped them once again, the animals picking up speed and the wind blowing back his hair. Again, another harsh whip and they were full on running. Ezra's lack of interest in what was in front of him showed as his carriage picked up speed. Going at such an incredible pace... he almost couldn't feel the harsh bump of the wagon as it went over something.

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