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(Y/n) clamped her hands together, her body jerking as the carriage pulled off. They sat in total silence until the vehicle reached a street.

"So, can I know more about where we're going?" She chimed, looking over to the male who fiddled with a button on his shirt.

"It's a nice place. Friendly people, good drinks, the food could be better. But that's not what matters." He said, looking over to her with a glint of excitement. "It's the music. The music there is outstanding."

"You like music?"

"I love it!" He exclaimed with open arms. "It's one of the small things you have to enjoy in life."

She smiled, the corner's of her eyes crinkling. "That's true."

Ezra shared her smile warmly until she looked away shyly. He found that was slightly adorable.

Her gaze wandered out the window, looking off into the sun setting on the horizon. She then looked down at her outfit. Picking at a loose thread in her uniform she suddenly felt her mood dwindle.

"Are you sure I'm not underdress- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

The young woman looked over to see Ezra removing his shirt! She scrambled to move further away from him.

"Relax." His lean torso was exposed, (Y/n) blushed a little at how good looking he was without a shirt. Ezra saw this and wiggled a brow at her with a flirty look. He reached under his seat and pulled out an all white button-up, which he put on. He untied his fancy shoes and tossed them aside reaching under the seat once more for some shoes that looked much easily comparable to the dingy ones (Y/n) wore. With that his entire outfit now looked much more normal.

Lastly, he ruffled his neatly combed hair until it was to his liking and sat back with a sigh. His eyes looked her up and down then with a calm tone he expressed. "You look nice."

"Oh. Thanks..."

"You'll fit in perfectly." He reached out the window. Waving and telling his coachman to stop.

Ezra got out and came around to (Y/n)'s side, helping her out. She didn't see a building anywhere causing her to worry.

"Uh... Where is the-"

"Just up the road. I hope you don't mind walking a little bit." He then gestured and said. "You can't expect us to pull up in that thing, we'll scare off everyone."

The carriage rolled away and Ezra pulled the girl in one direction until they could both see a small shack in the distance. It looked to be a bar, and the closer they got the more they could hear, and the more excited Ezra became.

"Come on!" He urged happily dragging her along.

They reached the doors, stepping inside. As soon as Ezra was in the entire bar faced him. Their expressions riddled with bliss and recognition as they saw him, the many people inside throwing their arms up and raising their glasses joyously. "Izzy!" The entire room cried in loud and cheerful unison.

Ezra raised both his hands with a large smile and waved at everyone as they all returned to what they were doing. (Y/n) looked to the blond with enthrallment. She was almost impressed. Ezra gestured for her to follow him as they approached an empty table in the center of the room.

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