Change of plans

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(Y/n) rushed to the doors of the ballroom. When she reached the hall outside of it she popped her head into the entrance to see if Del was still waiting for her. When she failed to find her there she quickly surveyed the crowd. But couldn't spot the woman who easily stuck out with her red attire.

She stepped back into the hall, her body still facing the entrance. She began to back away slowly, unsure if she wanted to look for the woman in red or wait for her to turn up.

(Y/n) hadn't enough time to weigh her options when she was jolted forward by her back coming in contact with someone.

She turned swiftly to see Del standing there with bored eyes and an unamused pout on her red lips. Arms folded with her body in a coquettish stance. Her head tilted to the side and she smiled at the girl, a smile which seemed to be condescending in the way it was directed.

"Hello, (Y/n)," She greeted as the young female stepped back a comfortable distance.

"Hi?..." The girl replied, confused by the woman's body language.

She was acting more cold and calloused, behavior similar to how she acted when they first met at Elliot's party.

"You should really watch where you're going," The woman said. "It's the second time you've bumped into me, you know."

(Y/n) recounted their first interaction and compared Del's tone to that as she laughed it off.

The woman let out a sigh as if she was annoyed by the girl and stepped past her into the ballroom. (Y/n) wasn't sure if she should follow or not but did anyways. As they made their way through the random cluster of people (Y/n) noticed how briskly she walked and maneuvered her way through the crowd, almost as if she was trying to lose the girl.

Along the way she snatched two glasses of champagne off a servants tray. (Y/n) recieving a feeling of nostalgia. Not too long ago she was in that servants place. It's funny but understandable why she would wish she could be in that position again.

The young female was able to keep up with Del all the way to the back of the ballroom where they had a good view of everyone and everything in sight.

Del leaned against the wall and promptly drank down the entire glass before taking a long sip of the second one. The woman had a steely glare as she quickly looked for another worker carrying a tray of champagne. Sure enough a servant came by and she was quick to catch them and exhange her empty glasses for a third drink. Sipping half of it this time rather than chugging it all down.

(Y/n) leaned on the wall beside her. Watching with slight confusion as her austere olive colored eyes looked around the room. The two females said nothing, (Y/n) watching and waiting for her to speak. Maybe even explain her suddenly impudent attitude.

Del's eyes flicked around and then finally she elbowed the young woman harshly in her arm. She nodded forward. "Look at William over there," She gestured.

It took (Y/n) a moment to find the white haired male in the crowd. But when she did Del saw it in her face and proceeded speaking.

"Look at how calm he is. The placid smile on his face, how easy it is for him to speak to others knowing what he's done to both of us." Del looked the girl in her eyes. "What kind of person of sound mind can go about without some remorse or guilt."

The young woman found the context behind this conversation unclear. But she had to admit that there was sense in what she was saying.

"You're familiar with the other royal sons, am I correct? Prince Elliot, Andrew, Ezra, and Gossamer? You do know them, right?" She spoke with urgency.

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