The Kingdom of Arden

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The young man took his place on the balcony, from which over looked the town square. Here, thousands of citizens gathered. The low hum of their curious voices conversing reaching his ears even at the height he stood.

He'd had time to get dressed as well as time to write up a brief speech; and per Harlem tradition of allowing the royals to announce grand news. He took his place on his father's balcony to announce the news of his untimely death.

William cleared his throat, the sight of him above the crowd plunging everyone into silence. The young girl's family stood lost amongst the people, concerned like anybody else but mostly for the safety of (Y/n). She hadn't come home after leaving hours earlier. Not only this, but Leía and her father found Emille on the side of the road on their way into town with severe injuries, just moments before her departure... By now they only feared the worst.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Harlem," The white haired gentleman began as loudly as he could speak and as confidently as he could. "You have been gathered here today due to unfortunate circumstances." He paused as he took a small breath and a second to read over his sheet of paper. "...While out of town, my father contracted a mysterious illness that ultimately resulted in his passing," The enormous crowd quickly began an uproar of gasps, cries, and wails. Most of them in complete disbelief at the news, while others were genuinely saddened. The prince went on. "We aren't sure what caused the illness, but we are certain that he will be deeply missed... Funeral services will take place later this week, and the doors of the castle will be open. You may pay your respects then. For now King Spencer of Salem and I will be leaving to give the news to our allies personally, as that is what my father would have wanted. I sincerely thank you all for your time and understanding." The male nodded once before he turned on his heel and went back inside. The balcony doors to his father's room were shut by two servants while royal staff who had been standing nearby rushed him. Elliot and his father stood together waiting off to the side. The royal staff members asked him questions left and right, now overwhelming the young man as the group exited the king's bedroom.

William locked it behind him with a key that he tucked into his trouser pocket.

The small group followed him all the way to his bedroom in the next hall, only when they were right outside his doors did he tell them to stop. They all went silent as he entered his room. Elliot carefully observing by himself, he knew for a fact that (Y/n) was in there. He only wondered, why?

William shut the door behind him, leaning his back against it and shutting his eyes. The death of his dad really did take a toll on him. He even began to ponder why he did it in the first place...


And there was his sweet reminder. His eyes opened to the sound of her light modulated voice. A faint smile crossing his lips. He lifted his head from the door and looked to see (Y/n) watching him from where she stood near his bed. (E/c) eyes filled with curiosity and care even though he'd been so harsh to her before.

The girl had been in his room for hours and wasn't able to overhear anything that was happening outside the room. She knew the prince had given his speech, she found it odd how quickly it all happened. And though she wasn't in the best situation at the moment, that didn't take away from her naturally kindhearted manners.

She folded her hands in front of her and watched him approach. "How did it go?"

William took hold of her hands delicately. "Well enough," He said looking down at the back of her hands, rubbing both his thumbs across her skin. She followed his tired gaze, looking down as well. "I only wish we didn't have to leave."

(Y/n) raised her eyebrows and quickly looked up at him. "We?"

"But of course." William smiled finding her startled expression cute. "You can't expect me to go alone."

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