All for none

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The young prince strolled down the empty hallways of his empty home. While rolling up his dampen sleeves he passed by a mirror and frowned.

He looked completely disheveled. The front of his outfit was wet and his shoes were covered in grass stains. He couldn't possibly go to the love of his life looking like this. He was her prince charming, her knight in shining armor. He had to look presentable, not as if he just committed a crime.

'Dearest, (Y/n) please bring it upon your tender heart to be patient with me...' The young man sighed and turned to head back the way he came. Asha was determined to find an outfit suited for a prince and that would appease his damsel in distress.

Something crossed his mind as he headed to his room to change. A few minor details that woman in red mentioned when she was yelling nonsense at him.

One of the factors being that (Y/n) was a servant. Not that he had any problem with her working position, but it would make being with her difficult. Not only would his father disapprove of her status, but, she was from an entirely different kingdom, Harlem to be exact. The one kingdom his father hated more than any of the others. Which could only mean that she was a servant to William.

And that brought him to his next predicament...

He recanted her final words: 'I'll tell her! I'll tell her everything!!! You, William, Elliot, you all! You royal bastards all love her and she'll leave! She'll leave and she'll never come back, so who will be hurt then!?!'

His face remained unexpressive as thought it over. 'William... Elliot... they're all in love with (Y/n)...' He assumed that meant all of the royal young men. Asha knew there was something off about the group. He sensed it by how they acted towards the girl. The looks of jealousy and envy thrown around ever so subtly between one another. It all made sense now.

'So the plot thickens...' The male thought with a slightly excited smirk as he walked leisurely to his room. 'Friendly competition never hurt anyone...' He attempted to make light of his situation. But the more he thought about anyone of them being with her the more darker his thoughts became. 'I'm willing to go to extreme lengths to have you, (Y/n)... Not even God himself could come between us if he tried...'


(Y/n) followed Asha's sister through the halls until they came to a room in one of the dimly lit wings of the castle. Blythe opened the door and led them inside where the young woman could now see she was standing in a small library of sorts. There was one window allowing for a small amount of light and shelves of books against 3 of the four walls. The room itself being only about as big as an average person's livingroom. With a small sofa and a table with vases filled with pencils.

(Y/n) went to take a book off the shelf, noticing the cover resembled a leather notebook as it had no title to indicate it's author or name.

Before she was able to fully remove the book the quiet female abruptly stopped her out of nowhere. Startling the female as she came and put the book back into place. Then gestured silently for the girl to have a seat.

(Y/n) reluctantly sat. "Is this your library?" She asked, looking the room over briefly once more.

The shy girl shook her head. "No. This is my private study. But since tutors are no longer allowed to teach me, I turned it into a room to keep all of my favorite stories..."

"So you've read all these books?"

Blythe smiled timidly as she shook her head again. "I wrote them."

The young woman paused as her eyes opened wide with amazement eminent on her features. She then looked at the shelves once more. Each one nearly filled completely with an assortment of titleless leather notebooks.

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