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Elliot brought her to a room in one of the larger halls. It had a wooden door that required a key, which the male retrieved from the dirt of a plant nearby. He opened for her and revealed a beautifully decorated room.

It's color scheme consisted of pastel pinks and blues, a silk canopy bed in the middle of the space with matching curtains draping over the windows. There was a light pink wardrobe on the right wall near the only window with the curtains drawn, allowing rays of sunshine to spill onto it like a spotlight.

(Y/n)'s mouth hung open in awe. She looked around the room slowly, afraid to go inside in fear she'd mess something up.

Elliot saw her hesitance and took her by the hand, leading her in and over to the pink wardrobe, throwing open the doors dramatically so she could see all the variety of gowns and outfits within.

"Choose anything you'd like." He stepped back and let her take in all that she saw. He found it funny, her expression seeing all of this. The boy couldn't help his smile. "This was my older sister's room before she was wed to an Emperor overseas."

(Y/n) reached a nervous hand out to run her fingers across one of the dresses that interested her. "...And she just left all of this behind?"

"Yes, but, I'm sure she wouldn't miss it. Certainly, this wardrobe can't compare to the one she has now. The man she married was extremely wealthy." Elliot explained with a light laugh, following the girl's hand with his eyes distractedly as she gently touched every article of clothing within the wardrobe.

"You have no other siblings?" Questioned (Y/n), her head now facing him.

"I do, actually. Two older sister's, the one I already mentioned, and an older brother. All married, leaving me as the sole heir to the throne." He said in an almost boasting way, hoping to impress the servant.

However, (Y/n) smiled warmly and brought a hand to his face much to his surprise. "So you're the baby of the family?" She teased, giving his cheek a light pinch.

The male went wide-eyed and blushed, turning his head away while clearing his throat to hide the fact he was flustered. "Ah, hm, y-yes. I suppose."

"And yet you carry yourself with the maturity of someone much older." The girl complimented, resting a kind hand on his shoulder. "Your kingdom is very lucky, your highness."

Elliot analyzed her sincere expression with curiosity. "Thank you..." There was a moment of silence as his gaze lingered on her, then the boy parted. "I'll be waiting outside." He called before exiting the room, leaving her alone after the click of the door.

She waited until she heard no noise before she turned back to the open closet and looked through every single gown. Still finding this entire situation completely unbelievable. She knew good and well she shouldn't be doing this. Would it be upsetting to King Spencer that she was wearing his daughter's clothes? Was Elliot even allowed to do this? He seemed so sure that (Y/n) felt it'd be an insult to go against him.

The female reluctantly decided on a white colored dress. It had satin sleeves that hung off her shoulders, a skirt that flared out from her waist, and a simplistic silk style that gave her an innocence none of the other women in the castle could reciprocate if they tried.

As her arms came through the sleeves and she reached behind her to fasten the buttons lining the spine of the dress, she stopped. "Oh no..." There were many buttons that still needed to be done in the back in order for the dress to close properly. She could only do so many of them before she needed help. After much straining and failed attempts she sighed.

Disinclined to what seemed to be her only option, she inhaled sharply and called out for help. "Elliot?"

She could hear the door behind her open. The dark haired boy's head peeked in from outside. His eyes landed on her serene figure and immediately all air left his body... He felt his ears heat up and he gulped quickly before fully entering the room, awkwardly stumbling over his own feet before shutting the door loudly.

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