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Asha always thought himself to be a rather fashionable man.

He paid careful attention to how he wore his hair and with what outfit. Whether or not the colors or fabrics he wore clashed. Making sure he had a wide assortment of shoes and accessories to pick from. His room filled with mirrors so that he could see himself from all angles in order to tweak any inconsistencies on himself. His closet nearly bigger than the bedroom itself.

He took so much pride in how he looked and came across to others. And now that he had somebody to impress he was going to make sure he was absolute perfection in her eyes. And that's what he kept in mind whilst venturing into his closet. Perfection. He had to look his very best for her.

Putting on his finest silk outfit, silk being a signature fabric with him. Slipping into some simple sandals and pacing over to his vanity while fixing his collar. Taking a second to touch up his hair and examine his face. Looking down on the vanity top to a plain wooden jewelry, opening it and meticulously selecting a few pieces of jewelry to complete his ensemble. Putting simple golden rings strategically on his fingers, matching gold bracelets, one for each wrist, and finishing the look with a small gold hoop in the piercing of his right ear.

When he was done he gave himself one final look over.

There was no denying the young man was handsome. With his dark complexion, swept-back hair, and naturally good bone structure he could look good without trying at at all.

He left the mirror, taking long strides to his bedroom door and entering the hall. Feeling such a great sense of elation that light was practically radiating from his very being. A large grin on his lips as he thought about the girl. Determined to make her just as smitten with him as he was with her.

Now, Asha had been in love before. Though nowadays he used the term love lightly because he was told, by his father most specifically, that he fell for women way too easily. The poor male would find a girl who he liked. Build them up and put them in an idolized standpoint in his mind. Rushing into relations with them only to get his heart broken in the end. This would happen to him countless times, one would think he'd learn from his mistakes.

But Asha was a man of emotions, and always let his feelings win in favor of his heart.

As he searched the many halls for signs of anyone his pride began to wane. His home had very little staff and the castle was so big. A lone person could walk for hours in the grand building without seeing so much as a hint of life. He felt he had been alone for too long. Since he started overthinking, and that only ever happened when he was alone.

He hated being alone...

His mind could be his greatest friend and at times his worst enemy. It would lift his spirits to the highest point of the heavens and the next, he was overthinking every little detail about himself. His irrational thoughts growing worse the more time he walked his home without seeing anyone.

He started to adjust and pick at anything he found off about his appearance. Brushing off imaginary lint and dust from his shoulders, running his hand through his hair. Toying with the bracelets on his wrists and rings on his fingers.

Would he come of as weird is she saw he had changed just for her? Would she know that he had tried to make himself up for her? What if she was in the company of another one of those men?...

That thought alone was enough to turn his semi-euphoric expression to one of contempt. He hated those men, he hated them to his very core. He didn't have to know them to know that he loathed them entirely.

The male began to walk faster, so predestined to be with the girl that he felt he would start running at full speed. Shouting her name at the top of his lungs in hopes that she would come to him! 'Where is she?...' He thought frantically. His head glance down every side hall, out every window. Opening the door to any unlocked room if only to find her. No longer paying attention to where he was going as he stormed through the corridors with his head down. Becoming so blindly consumed with his frustration he thought he might snap at any given moment.

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