New jobs

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The next day (Y/n) and her sister went to the castle, (Y/n) having to lend Leía one of her spare uniforms so nobody would get suspicious. The outfit wasn't that much larger on her sister, maybe a bit in the hip area, but she filled it out everywhere else.

(Y/n) and Leía didn't bother stopping in the maid's locker room, they went looking for the prince with their minds in the right place.

"Where is he?" Leía whispered as they peered into the throne room. (Y/n) shrugged, gesturing for her sibling to follow her. They ended up in the garden foyer, Leía looking at everything with awe.

"This place is huge! How do you manage to find where you're going?"

"By getting lost at least 3 times a day." Leía smiled and shook her her head before her eyes wandered over to the glass doors and they lit up upon falling onto the many flowers in the garden. She ran to the doors and smushed her face against the glass.

"Wow! Look at that garden!" Her voice came out slightly muffled and her sister giggled. "It's so much prettier than ours."

"Hey! Don't say that, mom takes good care of our garden."

Just at that moment, a figure came from behind them. The person cleared their throat and caught the attention of the two female's, startling them. The pair hurriedly tried to act casual as they saw who they were facing. William stood there, smiling kindly at (Y/n), a little confusion in his eyes when he saw the unknown girl beside her.

Leía nudged her sister forward and folded her arms assertively. (Y/n) nodded and slowly approached the prince.

"(Y/n), good morning." He greeted kindly, reaching for her hand and placing a kiss on it. She quickly retracted it once he was back upright. "I'd like to-"

"Hold it." The already nervous girl shut her eyes and held a hand up to stop him from speaking anymore. She took in a breath and puffed out her chest as she ungainly attempted to be brave. "William. I don't know what I led you to believe but I humbly apologize for it."

William's brows came together and his head turned a bit. "You... What?"

"I'm sorry. If I made you think that, perhaps in... in some kind of way I might-" (Y/n) felt a sharp jab in her back and she turned to see Leía giving her a look. "What?" She whispered to her sibling. "Why are you acting like it's your fault?!" The girl's sister exclaimed as quiet as she could.

They started bickering. William watched in silence for a second until it got tiring.

"Okay. Okay!" His voice grew until both girls stopped and looked at him. William knitted his eyebrows at the younger girl. Now he was sure of the accusation he said next. "You don't work here."

Leía's eyes widened a bit and gave a nervous side glance to (Y/n). "Uh..." She made a knowledgeable expression. "No, your highness, I don't. I'm her sister. I'm here for moral support."

William raised a brow and glanced to (Y/n). "Moral support? I'm sorry, I'm terribly confused."

(Y/n) wrung her hands together as she hesitantly spoke. "William do you like me at all?"

The Prince's face then went void of all emotion. He could only silently go back and forth staring between the two women. Finally his gaze settled on (Y/n) and he faintly smiled."Of course I do. We're friends are we not?"

His statement caught her off guard. "I-I... Yes, but-" She had been so sure of his motives but now he was flat out denying it. "You said you had to tell me something. You-You kissed me." She reminded, touching her hand to her cheek.

William smiled amusingly and lightly laughed. "Was that inappropriate of me? I'm sorry. I just had great news. More wonderful for you than me." He straightened his posture. "(Y/n) of Harlem. It'd bring me so much happiness if you'd agree to be my personal maid."

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