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With a cloud at her feet, (Y/n) made her way to work that next morning. The thought of her date with Emille keeping her spirits high.

She hummed softly as she could see the view of the castle coming closer in the distance.

Finally she reached the servant doors, cutting her song off as she pushed them open. She took a short walk through the hall and to the locker rooms where a few workers exited. Heading to do their jobs in various areas of the building.

(Y/n) entered the locker room prepared to look over the schedule board and retrieve her needed supplies.

"(Y/n)!" The frantic voice and the person it belonged to pounced on the young girl! Knocking (Y/n) back into the door harshly and making her grunt.

"Martha..." Her chubby friend proceeded to kiss her on the side of her face and rock her from side to side.

"Oh, (Y/n)!" She started with relief. "I was so worried about you the moment I heard you were fired. I thought the wolves had gotten to you on your way home from the party."

"And you didn't bother to check on me?"

Martha pulled back. "W-... Well, I didn't want the wolves to get me!"

(Y/n) shook her head and brushed passed her friend. As she strolled up to the schedule board she could see a few of the other maids out the corner of her eye. They were all giving her strange looks and talking between one another. This made the girl feel odd.

Still she checked over her name on the board, only to see that her routine had changed once again. Her eyes gawked at the words. "What in the world?..."

First the ballroom, then the garden patio, not strange right? But then there was the library and the prince's bedroom... And she was a few tasks short of her peers. Perhaps that's why she was receiving funny looks. Or could it be because of...

(Y/n) felt Martha walk up beside her. "Strange isn't it? Your schedule doesn't change in months and then all of a sudden you're-"

"Martha how did you find out I was fired?" The female cut off, looking at her friend with a concerning face.

The frizzy haired woman raised her brows. "You don't know?"

"Obviously not, Martha!"

Her friend leaned in close and began whispering. "It was insane!" She started. "Lady Adelaide had me and a few other maids cleaning the dining room after breakfast. She'd been giving everyone a hard time naturally, and then out of nowhere the prince approaches her and he just goes off!"

(Y/n)'s angry expression fell as she continued listening to what her friend said.

"I'd never seen Prince William so upset! It was shocking, honestly. Adelaide told him she 'fired an imbecile server'," the blonde said with air quotes. "And then it hit me that YOU were the imbecile!"

(Y/n) gave a bland expression.

"Prince William fired her on the spot. He was so angry and stern and... Ah..." Martha sighed and her eyes fluttered. "Handsome~"

The young woman analyzed all that her friend said. "Prince William... He did that for me?..."

It was at this moment (Y/n) realized just how fortunate she was to have her job. Without saying goodbye to Martha she stomped out of the room. She looked up and down the hallway before jogging one way.

"William?" She echoed faintly through the empty corridors. She walked up to an old woman sweeping the floors.

"Have you seen the prince?"

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