Chapter 30

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I wake up the next morning with regret as well as a hangover, my head was pounding and I looked over at the clock and it was only 7:30 I the morning, still a few hours before I had to head to class, my neck feels sore from lying on Dylan's arm, I wouldn't be surprised if it was numb.
I lean up on the bed and he moans, still asleep and he mutters something but I don't understand him so I get out of bed, I look at myself in the mirror and know that I'm going to be doing the walk of shame, I didn't have anything to brush or tie my hair up, Stupid me left it in my bedroom which is being sprayed, I hope they covered our belongings before they started.
I look behind me and Dylan yawns and stretches his body out and I try and stop myself from drooling again, I shake my head pretending I was miles away, he chucked lightly.
"You know you don't have to pretend you don't like my body" he said with an arrogant smirk but he was right, maybe I did need to stop pretending that I didn't have feelings for him, I know it and he knows it, but it's better this way and better for my heart.
He looks at me for a response but I say nothing and Dylan climbs out of bed, I get dressed quickly so he doesn't think what happened last night was going to happen again, I was drunk and so was he, it was a mistake just as liking him was.
He puts his jeans on and throws his white  V neck shirt over his head, and he comes over to me as I am trying to figure out what to do with my hair, "Here" he said handing me a scrunchie but I swat his hand away "It's not Bella's, it's my mothers" he offered again.
I reluctantly take since I have no other options, I put my hair up in a pony tail, I sigh and sigh because he is still here, what is he waiting for?
"Can you go now" I say bluntly.
"Is that what you want? He asked in a serious tone, almost devastated that I said it, but what does he expect, I'm not his play thing that he can just bang when ever he is bored or lonely, or isn't with Bella, I have much more respect for myself than that.
"Yes, I say and he looks at me like he wants to say something but he doesn't, he just throws his shoes slowly like he thinks I'm going to change my mind.
I look away from him not wanting to change my mind, eventually he leaves closing the door softly.
I grab all my belongings and take the stairs, I don't want to risk bumping into him in the elevator.

The receptionist takes my key "Thank you, I hope you've enjoyed your time here Miss Goodman" she smiled at me, that's weird I didn't give her my credit card so how did she know my last name?
"I need to pay for the bottle of whiskey I drank, and they soft drink I used" I get my wallet out to pay but she stops me before I pull any money out.
"No need, Mr Walters already paid for it" She smiled again, when did he have the chance to pay for it? He's been with me the whole time?
"Okay, great well thank you" I say not really minding that I didn't have to pay for it, it was quiet expensive Whiskey.
I go outside and see the hotel across the road, maybe I should have gone to that one, but like I told Dylan this was the only one I knew off, I head to my car and head back towards campus, the drive back I expected at least one message from Dylan, maybe he deleted my number?
I park back at campus and head to my first class, the wind blowing my hair around and his mothers scrunchie seamed to be holding my hair together well, it smelt like roses and fabric softener.

My class is already packed by the time I get there and I head for the same spot up the back where Ethan gave me a hard time for apparently, throwing our hormones around, Although I think he was smelling his own jealousy, I wondered if Dylan was going to she up today? He was probably hung over too, or maybe he's going to show up with Bella on his arm and kiss her goodbye in front of me just to hurt me, showing that last night was just drunk sex too him, I push those thoughts to the back of my mind and try to focus on my education.

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